Automation and Management
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
OKTA 3214 Technical Means of Automation and Control Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
Umarov Amantur Amangeldievich

The purpose of the subject is to master the study of measuring transducers, information processing devices, executive mechanisms and other technical means of automation. To teach students to select, use and service automation technical equipment, as well as to study and analyze the characteristics of automation elements and devices

Circuits of automation and telemechanics systems, pulse circuits of automation.

Mathematics I, II, Physics I, II, Theoretical Fundamentals of Electronics, Schematic Engineering, Theory of Electric Circuits, Microprocessor Complexes in Control Systems and Theory of Linear Automatic Regulation System

Narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods.

1Describes the model of technical means of automation and control, research methods.
2Solves problems of technical means of automation and control.
3Created a model of technical means of automation and management according to the given task.
4Is able to work in group 4 and can offer new solutions.
5Learns the culture of thinking, can express his thoughts correctly in writing and orally, and fully convey his thoughts.
6Able to express his thoughts fully, organize the research material orally and in writing competently.
7Knows the methods of analyzing the structural schemes of the 7th ABTK.
8Conducts testing of ARZ systems in production conditions.
9Adjusts the ARZ scheme according to the given parameters.
10ABTK independently performs circuit engineering modeling works.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. Model structures and tools of automation and management systems of technical objects and technological processes.
2Devices for obtaining information about the object. Sensors.
3Classification of sensors according to the type of input value. Classification of sensors according to the type of output value.
4Classification of sensors according to the principle of action.
5Electric machines.
6Direct current electric machines.
7Synchronous machines.
8Asynchronous machines.
9Mode of operation and construction of asynchronous machine Controlled voltage and frequency converters.
10Executive devices and mechanisms.
11Monitoring and measuring tools of automation and control systems of technical objects and technological objects with processes.
12Technical means of reception, reconstruction and transmission of measurement and command information on communication channels.
13Development of technical means of information processing, storage and management effects.
14Automation and control systems software.
15Technical tools for displaying processes in automation and control systems.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Автоматтық басқару теориясы: Оқу-құралы, Түркістан: Туран, 2017. Альчинбаева О.З,Алымов Н., Темирбеков А.Н.
2Автоматты реттеу жүйесінің теориясы: Оқу-құралы, Түркістан, 2021. Альчинбаева О.З.,Алымов Н
3Ашанин В.Н., Кочеткова Г. Промышленная автоматика. Учебно-методическое пособие. 2017.