Chemistry-Biology Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
OК 3291 Organic Chemistry Үшінші курс 5 150 1 - 2
Course Descriptions
Dzhumadullayeva Sveta Absadykovna

The discipline studies the structure, physical, chemical properties, theory of bonds, stereoisomerism of compounds, classification of reactions, methods of preparation, application of organic compounds. Practices the application of acquired knowledge in professional activities, integrating theoretical and applied aspects of organic chemistry. The student performs calculations by analyzing the properties and structure of organic compounds.  Masters the skills of organizing, conducting and processing the results of laboratory experiments.


chemistry and laboratory of elements

narrative, exchange of views, discussion, problem methods

1Applies the acquired knowledge and skills in professional activities, integrating theoretical and applied aspects of chemical science
2Conducts laboratory experiments and processes the results based on theories and patterns
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Fundamentals of the nomenclature of organic compounds.Basic principles.Жазбаша
2Electronic theory of chemical bonds. The theory of directed valences.ЖазбашаАуызша
3Classification of organic compounds.Alkanes. Cycloalkanes.Ауызша және жазбаша
4Alkenes and alkynes.Жазбаша
5Arender. Hückel's aromatic rule.Жазбаша
6Spirits. Simply. PhenolsАуызша
7Aldehydes, ketones.test
8Carboxylic acids and their derivatives. Chlorine is anhydrides,anhydrides,esters, amides, nitriles.Жазбаша
9Hydroxycarboxylic, oxocarboxylic acids.Сұрақ-жауап
10Carbohydrates, classification. Monosaccharides.Ауызша және жазбаша
11Disaccharides. PolysaccharidesЖазбаша
12Amino acids.Ауызша және жазбаша
13Peptides andbelocks. Protein analysis methods.Сұрақ-жауап
14Five-membered heterocyclic compounds, classification, properties, ways of obtaining.Сұрақ-жауап
15Six-membered heterocyclic compounds, classification, properties,ways of obtaining, application.Жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Seiıtjanov Ä.F. Organikalyq himia: Oqulyq.-Almaty:ESPİ, 2023. -416 b.
2Kudaibergenova B.M., Jumagalieva Ş.N .Organikalyq himianyñ negızgı teorialary men tapsyrmalary: oqu qūraly.2019 .– 255 b.
3Äbılov J.A., Bajyqova K.B.Organikalyq himiadan zerthanalyq jūmystar: oqu qūraly .Almaty : Qazaq un-tı, 2019.– 208 b
44.Bajyqova K.B. Alifatty qosylystardyñ organikalyq himiasy: oqu qūraly.Almaty : Qazaq un-tı, 2016. – 364 b.
5Tukibaeva A.S., Jumadullaeva S.A., Asqarova E.D.Organikalyq molekulalardyñ funksionaldy tuyndylarynyñ himiasy. Oqu qūraly, Almaty.-2014.
6TükavkinaN.A., Baukov İu.İ., Zurabän S.E., Seitembetov T.S.Bioorganikalyq himia.Uchebnik. M.: GEOTAR-media, 2016.
7Kairalapova G. J. Organikalyq himia pänı boiynşa laboratorialyq jūmystarğa arnalğan ädıstemelık nūsqaulyq. Almaty: Qazaq un-tı, 2017. - 128 s.
8Bajyqova K.B.Alifatty qosylystardyñ organikalyq himiasynan zerthanalyq jūmystar.Almaty : Qazaq un-tı, 2015. - 80 b.
9Mamutova A.A. Torebekov U.T.Alifatty qosylystardyñ organikalyq himiasy pänı boiynşa esepter jinağy: oqu-ädıstemelık qūraly. 2017.
10Litvinenko İu.A., Kalugin S.N. ,BuraşevaG.Ş.Sbornik testovyh zadach i uprajneni po kursu «Organicheskaia himia»: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie . 2017– 226 s.
11Majibaev A.K. Organikalyq himiadan esepter jinağy: Oqu qūraly.1-bölım:Kömırsutekter. - Almaty: TarMPİ, 2013.- 204b.
12Abyzbekova, G.M.Organikalyq himia: Oqu-ädıstemelık qūral. - Qyzylorda, 2014. - 134b.
13Bruis P.İu. Organikalyq himia negızderı. Oqulyq.2-bölım./ Qazaqtılıne aud. K.B. Bajyqova; QR Bılımjäneğylymministrlıgı, QR Joğaryoquoryndarynyñqauymdastyğy . - 2 basylym - Almaty: Ekonomika, 2014. - 500b. -ISBN 978-601-225-728-1 .
14Dautova Z.S. Organikalyq himiadan praktikum: Oqu ädıstemelıq qūral. - Öskemen: S. Amanjolov atyndağy ŞQMU baspasy, 2013. - 100b.
15Dautova Z.S., Tajenova R.A. Organikalyqhimianyñjattyğulary men esepterı: Oquqūraly. - Öskemen: S. AmanjolovatyndağyŞQMUbaspasy, 2013
16Äliev M.Q., Kaumenova G.N. Organikalyq himianyñ tızbektelgen reaksialary: Oqu qūraly. - Almaty: Älmanah, 2017.