Turkish Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
OGSH 3336 Medieval Artifacts Үшінші курс 5 150 2 3 0
Course Descriptions
Doç. Dr. Abdulkadir Öztürk

Gains information about the works of that period and learns the grammatical features. Examination of written works that contributed to the development of the Turkish language in the Central Asian region, from the Karakhanid period to the Chagatai language.
Kutadgu Bilig, Atabetü'l Hakayık , Nechul Feradis , Kıssasül Enbiya, Gulistan Translation are based on Navai's poems.


EDTA 2210 Old Turkish Literature

1. Critical thinking
2. Brainstorming
3. Development teaching method

1Obtains information about the Middle Turkish period.
2Reads and understands the texts of the Karakhanid period.
3Acquires text analysis knowledge.
4Reads and understands the texts of the Khwarezm period.
5Obtains information about the dialect of Kipchak .
6Reads and understands the texts of the Kipchak period.
7Learns the language features of the period in general terms.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching the history of medieval (Turkish) works
2Balasagunlu Yusuf «Kutadgu Bilig»
3Mahmud Kashgar « Divanu Lugati't -Turk
4Edib Ahmed Yukneki « Atebetü'l-Hakayık »
5Hodja Ahmet Yesevi 'Divan-ı Hikmet'
6Süleyman Bakırgani « Book of Bakırgani »
7XIII-XV. Oral literature of Deshti Kipchak writers in the centuries Midterm
8Ketboğa's “Great Bard” (13th century)
9The importance of poets and bards in the spiritual life of the people of the Golden Horde
10Epics of heroism and love. sipira Jrav surgantayuli
11Codex Cumanicus
12Harezmî « Conversationname »
13Qutb «Hüsrev u Şirin»
14Seyf -i Sarayî «Gülistan Translation»
15Rabguzi « Kısasü'l -Anbiya »
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1N.S. Banarlı, Resimli Türk edebiyatı Tarihi, 2016
2Reşit Rahmeti Arat, Kutadgu Bilig I (Metin), TDK Yayınları, 1999.
3Ahmet Bican Ercilasun, Ziyat Akkoyunlu, Divan-ü Lugati't-Türk / Giriş-Metin-Çeviri-Notlar-Dizin, TDK Yayınları, 2015
4Mustafa Argunşah, Gülden Sağol Yüksekkaya, Tarihi Türk Lehçeleri Karahanlıca, Harezmce, Kıpçakça Dersleri, Kesit Yayınları, 2014