Accounting and Audit
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
OEU 4399 Organization of production accounting төртінші курс 5 90 1 2
Course Descriptions

The discipline" organization of production accounting " learns the essence, functions and organizational issues of production accounting at the enterprise, basic categories, terms and concepts, forms knowledge of costs in production accounting. They learn the organizational tasks of the main and auxiliary industries, master the methods of cost accounting and cost calculation of products, gain experience in the organization of production accounting at the enterprise and various methods of cost calculation of products.

Problem solving, comparative analysis method, case study method, business games,

1Calculates costs, organizes production accounting in order to make management decisions at production enterprises and assess the effectiveness of the functioning of enterprises
2Performs calculation of the cost of production
3Performs analysis of production costs
4Analyzes and evaluates the accuracy, reliability and frequency of financial, tax reporting and economic reporting at industrial enterprises;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Fundamentals of the organization of production activities
2General and production structure of the enterprise
3The production process and its organization
4Methods of cost accounting and calculation of the cost of production.
5Information for decision-making
6Making decisions on capital investments and investment projects
7Budgeting, types of budgets and Budget Control
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Basqarý esebi. Oqý quraly. Almaty,
2Taıgashınova K.T. Shyǵyndardy esepke alý teorıasy men ádisnamasy jáne ónim men qyzmetterdiń qalkýlásıasy. Oqý ádistemelik quraly, Almaty,2015.
3K.Taıgashınova., I. Berdimuratýpravlencheskıı ýchet. Ýchebnoe posobıe. Almaty, 2019. Tovma N.A.
4. Basqarý esebi 2. - Jetisaı: 'Syrdarıa' ýnıversıteti, 32 b. H. Berdibekov 'Ýpravlencheskıı ýchet' 2016. A.V