Information Processing and Data Visualization
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
NYPI 2205 Object-Oriented Programming II Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
PhD, A.N.Amanov

The purpose of the course: to Introduce the basic concepts of object-oriented programming. Introduce the basics of OOP implementation. In addition, the discipline aims to develop an understanding of the ideology and key aspects of the object-oriented programming paradigm( OOP), to gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the technology of object-oriented programming in the high-level programming language C++.

Algorithms and data structures

Information and communication technology

Design method, group work, cloud technology, IT method, developing learning technology.

1Can design software and computing equipment.
2Can design mobile application development technologies.
3Develops algorithms and can implement them in programming languages.
4Can use computer programs in research and development related to modern Internet technologies.
5Can use and build Internet applications using programming languages.
6Can create a programming environment and development tools.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1OOP as a programming technology. Basic understandings (concepts) of OOP.
2Object-oriented tools of the C++ language. Objects, classes.
3Constructors and destructors.
4Class inheritance.
5Types of inheritance.
6Using conditional loop operators in calculations.
7Override Actions. Reload operators.
8Polymorphism. Simple and complex polymorphism.
9Polymorphism. Simple and complex polymorphism.
10Friendly functions and classes.
11Template classes and template functions.
12A standard library of templates.
13Input/Output and Work with Streams.
14Standard container classes.
15Contingency mechanism and error handling.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Бьярне Страуструп, Программалау с++, 2 том, 2014
2Иан Соммервиль, Бағдарламалық жасақтама 9-басылым, 2-том, 2016
3Сапарходжаев Н.П., Ниязова Г.Ж., Тұрымбетов Т.А., Мауленов. Java технологиясы.- Түркістан, 2020ж. С.С. Оқу құралы.
4А.Н.Васильев. Самоучитель Java c примерами и программами самоучитель. Учебное пособие. 2016.
5Java-технологиясы. Семей, 2016 Оқу-әдістемелік кешен