Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
NTWP 3376 New Technologies In Waste Processing Үшінші курс 5 150 1 1 1
Course Descriptions
Akbasova Amankul Dzhakanovna

The discipline forms a complex of knowledge and skills in the development, implementation and application of physicochemical and biochemical methods for the processing of man-made waste. Discipline forms students' knowledge about new technologies for waste processing, the introduction of low-waste production. The discipline forms the skills of theoretical analysis and calculations of man-made waste processing processes and the creation of innovative models of waste processing.



Writing, oral inquiry, business game, presentation, Case study method

1Demonstrates modern methods and ways of processing and disposal of various wastes generated in the environment. Conducts research work on environmental issues.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. Objectives and objectives of the subject of low-waste and zero-waste technology.Ауызша
2Technical methods of waste management.Ауызша
3Formation of low-waste and zero-waste reproduction.Ауызша және жазбаша
4Transition to low-residue processes in the method of electrorefining of metals.Ауызша және жазбаша
5Use of non-waste and semi-waste technologies in mining.Жазбаша
6Technologies for reducing the volume of waste from enrichment plants.Жазбаша
7Ways of organizing 'Industrial symbiosis' based on the use of waste.test
8Innovative ways to solve problems related to waste in agriculture.Жазбаша
9Directions of organization of clean and effective low-waste technologies in chemical industries of Kazakhstan.Жазбаша
10Use of waste in construction materials production.Ауызша
11Prospective areas of transformation of oil and gas production into low-waste production.Ауызша
12Waste problems in uranium production and acid plants.презентация
13Actual problems in landfills of solid household waste, ways to solve them.презентация
14Contribution and achievements of waste processing plants in Kazakhstan to environmental protection and efficient use of resources.презентация
15'Environmental Code', etc. legislative documents.test
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Tūrmystyq jäne öndırıstık qaldyqtardy oñtaily basqarudyñ keşendı jüiesı. G.A. Sainova., A.J. Aqbasova., N.Ä. Qalieva, 2022. - 256 b.
22. Ekologia praktikumy. Aqbasova A.J., Sainova G.Ä.- Almaty: «Nūrly Älem», 2014.-236b.
33. Serosoderjaşi othod sernokislotnogo proizvodstva TOO «CKZ-U» sennyi komercheski resurs. G.A. Sainova., E.M. Kojamberdiev., A.D. Akbasova., U.K. İbraimov. Almaty: Altyn baspa., 2021. – 216 s.
44. Ekologizasia selskogo hozäistva putem rasionälnogo ispölzovania vermiproduksi i biopreparatov na ih osnove, 978-601-205-546-7, Almaty-2015, 176 bet , A. D. Akbasova, O. A. İsakov, G. Sainova
55. Vermitehnologia önımderınıñ bolaşağy. 978-601-205-573-3, Almaty-2017, 232 bet, G. Aqbasova A.J., Sainova G.Ä.
66. Öndırıstık ekologia. Praktikum. G.Ä.Sainova, A.J. Aqbasova. – Almaty: Altyn baspa, 2022. – 296 bet.
77. İntegrirovannoe upravlenie bytovymi i proizvodstvennymi othodami (na primere Turkestanskogo regiona). Almaty. «Nūrly älem». 2020. – 240 s.
88. Growth Stimulant fgents and bactericides. Monograph A.Akbasova, G.Sainova. -Moscow.-2015.-120 p.
99. Örsariev A.A. Ekologialyq qauıpsızdık kepılı retınde önerkäsıptık qaldyqtardy qaita öñdeu : Halyqaralyq ğylymi-täjıribelık konferensiasynyñ materialdary. / - Pavlodar: S. Toraiğyrov atyndağy PMU, 2016. - 206 b.
1010. Pererabotka promyşlennyh i bytovyh othodov (Tehnologia i tehnika zaşity litosfery): Uchebnoe posobie-praktikum / Vetoşkin A.G. - M.: ASV, 2015. - 400 s.
1111. Vurdova N.G. Resikling: uchebnik.- M.: İzd.dom NİTU «MİSiS», 2020. - 746 s.
1212. Miheeva, T. A. Maloothodnye i resursosberegaiuşie tehnologii : uchebnoe posobie / T. A. Miheeva. — Nijni Novgorod : VGUVT, 2018. — 124 s.