Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MWE 5216 Monitoring of Water Ecosystems Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 -
Course Descriptions
Toychibekova Gaziza Batikhanovna

The purpose of the discipline is to form the ability to conduct environmental quality control by methods of hydrobiological analysis and assessment of the ecological state of water bodies. Applies knowledge of the basics of aquatic ecology, living conditions and the population of the hydrosphere, in the study of the main ecological groups. The course uses a variety of methods of biological analysis, consideration and application of specific standards and requirements based on biological analysis



Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, presentation, Case study method

1knows the main areas of monitoring aquatic ecosystems;
2analyzes the development and current state of water ecosystem monitoring systems in the world and the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3uses the instrument-instrument Park to carry out environmental monitoring of aquatic ecosystems;
4sets the research Goal, selects methods for experimental work, explains and presents the results of scientific research;
5considers the problems of the most relevant areas of research in the field of aquatic Bioresources and aquaculture, the methodology of scientific research and the rules for constructing experiments;
6can determine the chemical composition and evaluate the quality of wastewater and drinking water.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Monitoring of environmental systems. Water monitoring and its typesпрезентация
2Biotic relationships between living organisms in aquatic ecosystemsпрезентация
3Water quality control and monitoring of water quality requirements. Means and methods of monitoring aquatic ecosystemsпрезентация
4Monitoring of surface waters. Organization of a network of observations on the quality of surface waterЖазбаша
5Monitoring of groundwater. Impact of energy enterprises, machine-building complex, textile and chemical industries, agriculture on the quality of groundwaterАуызша
6Monitoring of water farms and water treatment stationsАуызша және жазбаша
7Monitoring of facilities using water resourcesАуызша және жазбаша
8Monitoring and biotesting biodiversity of water bodiesАуызша және жазбаша
9Identification of sources of pollutants and their assessment, determination of the degree of their impact on the aquatic ecosystemпрезентация
10Forecasting changes in the state of aquatic ecosystems and the qualitative state of water bodies under specific options for external influencesЖазбаша
11Identification of facts of extreme pollution of water bodies and other emergency situations, assessment of their environmental consequencesЖазбаша
12Subjects of the water monitoring system and types of information collectedЖазбаша
13Legislative system of Water Resources Control. The relationship of water quality with the occurrence of specific human diseases.презентация
14Types of water saving technologies and the true state of their applicationЖазбаша
15Assessment of the hydrochemical and hydrobiological state of waterЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1monitoring of aquatic ecosystems. Textbook, Abdimutalip N. A., Toychibekova G. B.-Turkestan, 2016-200B
2the doctrine of the environment short lecture complex, A.: Evero, 2014. Sh. Sh. Nurseitov, G. M. Giniyatova
3Environmental hydrogeology. Textbook for the specialties 5B070600-'Geology and exploration of mineral deposits' and 5B080500-'Water Resources and water use' / M. R. Zapparov, M. M. Alzhigitova. - Almaty: TechSmith, 2022. - 224 P
4assessment of the risk of technogenic impact on the population of Kazakhstan part of the order. Collective monograph, OTV. Ed.: Bekmanov B. O. Almaty-2017, p.184.
5Methods of water preparation. Training manual. / Zhanmuldaeva Zh. K. - Almaty: Evero, 2023. - 164 P
6water-plant Biotechnologies / G. I. Yernazarova. - Almaty :Kazuniversity, 2016. - 208 P. Additional:
7.joint management of Water Resources in Kazakhstan. Meyer B. Slandey.'I Don't Know,' He Said. N. / - Almaty: Kazakh university, 2016. - 336 P