Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MV2283 Microbiology and Virology Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Shakhnoza Sarzhanova

The discipline considers the biological properties of microorganisms and viruses, their effects, their role in natural processes and the production of new products. In the course of mastering the discipline, student applying knowledge about morphological, physiological and biochemical features of microorganisms and viruses, demonstrating the skills of observation, comparison, description, is able to classify their types, using mastered the methods of cultivation of microorganisms, the development of nutrient media and microbiological preparations, conducts biological experiments in laboratory conditions.

Fundamentals of Soil Science

Cell biology

Group work, brainstorming, exchange of ideas, critical thinking

1Аpplies advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of biology in his professional activities.
2Сonducts biological experiments and research in educational using modern equipment field and laboratory conditions.
3Classifies biological species, demonstrating the abilities of observation, comparison, description them using computer determinants.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction to microbiology. History of microbiology. Classification of microorganisms.Жазбаша
2Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structuresЖазбаша
3Morphology of bacteriaЖазбаша
4Physiology of bacteria (development-reproduction- nutrition)Жазбаша
5Genetics of microorganismsЖазбаша
6Effective factors on the development of microorganismsЖазбаша
7The importance of fungi, structure, reproduction.Жазбаша
8Importance of parasites, ways of transmission, classificationЖазбаша
9Microscopic creatures without a cell structure: prions, viroids and viruses.Жазбаша
10General characteristics of viruses: structure, classification, reproduction.Жазбаша
11Relationships between microorganismsЖазбаша
12Distribution of microorganisms in nature. Soil, water and air microfloraЖазбаша
13The normal microbial flora of the body.Жазбаша
14Introduction to immunology, immune system cells and organsЖазбаша
15Immune response mechanismsЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Сами Озчелик. Жалпы микробиология. Медициналық кітап дүкені 2022
2Айхан Темиз. Жалпы микробиологияны қолдану әдістері Хатибоглу баспасы, 2021
3Микробиология. Оқу құралы [Текст] / Қ. Т. Жұманов, Қ.Б. Орынтаев, Е.Е. Құлпыбай, А.Е. Алтеноа. - Алматы : TechSmith, 2022.
4Микробиология. Оқу құралы [Текст] / А. Д. Салтыков, Г. Ж. Сарсекеева, М. И. Алыбаева, А. Г. Бердыбаева. - Алматы : Альманахъ, 2017