Digital Media and TV, Radio Journalism
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MTT / MTTT 2219 Media design techniques and technology Екінші курс 3 90 0 0 4
Course Descriptions
Sadibekov A.

The purpose of the discipline is to explain what computer programs are optimal for the design of newspapers and magazines, TV and radio and websites. It will also be discussed how to work with programs. The works of such computer programs as Sogel DRAW, inDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Audition are clearly explained. Familiarizing future journalists with modern media technologies, mastering the basic principles of design, improving their experience.

Infografic and Flash Technology



1LOD 1-can work with photo, video, audio, graphic materials on internet sites, social networks ; LOD 2-knows the copyright obligations for materials on the social network.
2LOD 3-Master and use working in computer programs Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator ; LOD 4-experimentally uses the computer programs Adobe Audition, Audacity, Corel Draw, Adobe Premier.
3LOD 5-learns the basic principles during audio recording; LOD 6-understands the possibilities of information and digital literacy;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Acquaintance with the work of computer programs Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop.презентация
2Photo processing in the Adobe Photoshop computer program, photo collage development.презентация
3Newspaper and magazine page decoration in Adobe InDesign computer program.Ауызша
4Book pagination, decoration, artwork in Adobe InDesign computer programming.Ауызша
5Development of a booklet, brochure, poster, calendar, the computer programs Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop.Article
6Familiarization with the work of computer programs Adobe audition, AudacityArticle
7Preparing a podcast in the Adobe audition computer programпрезентация
8Development of a radio interview in the Audacity computer programпрезентация
9Development of various infographic works with the computer program Adobe Illustrator, Corel DrawСұрақ-жауап
10Development of various infographic works with the computer program Adobe Illustrator, Corel DrawАуызша
11Familiarization with the work of the Adobe Premier Pro computer programArticle
12Developing a video story in Adobe Premier Pro computer programArticle
13Developing a TV interview in Adobe Premier Pro computer programпрезентация
14Preparation of a short documentary in the Adobe Premier Pro computer programArticle
15Development of a news collection in the Adobe Premier Pro computer programArticle
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Сердәлі, Б. Мерзімді баспасөз дизайны. Оқу құралы. [Текст] / Б. Сердәлі. - Алматы : Лантар Трейд, 2021.
22. Велитченко С.Н. Выпуск учебной газеты,радиопраграммы и телепередачи: учеб.-метод.пособие Алматы:Қазақ университеті,2016
33. Сердәлі, Б. Мерзімді баспасөз дизайны. Оқу құралы [Текст] / Б. Сердәлі. - Астана : Фолиант, 2015. - 128 с.
44. Ералин, Қ. Дизайн негіздері. Оқу-әдістемелік нұсқау [Текст] / Қ. Ералин. - Түркістан : Тұран, 2020. - 60 с
55. Тулупов, В. В. Техника и технология СМИ: печать, радио, телевидения, интернет [Текст] / В. В. Тулупов, А. А. Колосов [и др.]. - Санкт-Петербург : Издательство Михайлова В.А, 2015. - 320 с.
66. Нурланова, У. Н. Дизайн композициясы. Оқу-әдістемелік нұсқау [Текст] / У. Н. Нурланова. - Түркістан : Тұран, 2020. - 80 с.
71. Әбілдина, Ғ. Ақпараттық бағдарламаның(жаңалық) жасалуы. Оқу-әдістемелік құрал [Текст] / Ғ. Әбілдина. - Алматы : Қазақ ун-ті, 2021. - 80 с.
82. Мухамедиева, Л. И. Теория и методика редактирования. Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов высших уч.зав.специальностей 'Журналистика' и 'Издательское дело' [Текст]. 2-е изд., испр. и доп. / Л. И. Мухамедиева. - Алматы : Қазақ ун-ті, 2021. - 212 с
93. Қазақстандағы практикалық журналистика 3.0. Алматы, 2017
104. Практическая журналистика 3.0 в Казахстане. Алматы, 2017