Математика мұғалімдерін даярлау
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MSESHP 32100 Workshop on solving mathematical literacy problems Үшінші курс 4 120 1 1
Course Descriptions
Alimkhanov Sh.

The discipline defines the role of mathematics in everyday life; teaches students digital information, interprets it and develops the ability to make mathematical judgments based on analysis, and use mathematics to solve practical and cognitive problems.Students will learn how to draw up and produce calculations, calculations and word lists for measurement, movement, casting; the importance of using mathematical models in solving various applied problems; the role of graphical representation of statistical data in conducting quantitative and qualitative analysis.

Teamwork, work in pair, blitz questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, developmental learning method, creative learning methods, case-study method, group project work method, jigsaw method, problem work method, modular learning technology.

1Solves fundamental and applied mathematical problems using basic methods and laws of mathematics (LO 9);
2Builds mathematical models of processes and phenomena in solving applied practical problems (LO 10);
3Conducts scientific and pedagogical research in the educational environment (LО11).
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Sets. Operations applied to sets.презентация
2Cartesian product of sets.презентация
3Representations (functions).презентация
4Binary Relations, their properties.презентация
6Formulas for algebra of opinions.презентация
7Tautologies. Axiomatic construction of the theory.презентация
8Normal forms, conversion to the forms of DNF, KNF, GDNF, GKNF.презентация
9Zhegalkin algebra.презентация
10Complete system of logical functions.презентация
11Calculation of reviews.презентация
12Logic of predicates.презентация
13Elements of combinatorics.презентация
14Elements of graph theory.
15Types of graph.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Matematıkalyq logıka jáne dıskretti matematıka. - Almaty, Dáýir. 2011j. Q.Jetpisov.
2Matematıkalyq logıka. - Almaty: Dáýir, 2011j. P.T. Dosanbaı.