Physics Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KZhOF 4318 Crystallography and semiconductor physics төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Katpayeva K

The discipline teaches students to master the process of formation, the structure of crystals in nature, crystallographic indexing and projection of crystals, basic concepts of semiconductor and superconductor physics, photoelectric and optical phenomena, methods of electrophysical research. As a result of mastering the discipline, the student solves problems in this course based on the knowledge of physical laws and applies the acquired knowledge in solving professional problems.


Physics of light rays

1. critical thinking
2. method of working with a group project
3. develop a teaching method

11. Knows properties of crystals, projections of crystals, symmetry of crystals, basic theorems of interaction of symmetry elements, symmetry of crystal structure, basic theorems of translation and interaction of closed and open symmetry elements;
22. Learns crystal projections, basic laws and basic concepts, research methods.
33. In nature, artificial synthetic crystals can independently analyze the location of symmetric particles in space, types of symmetric processing, symmetry groups, symmetric equivalent directions, division of crystals into categories, simple forms of crystals, their combinations, regularity of spatial angles, ratio of parameters, laws and theorems of crystal growth.
44. Knows the main methods of measuring the characteristics of semiconductor materials and structures.
55. Knows information about the fields of application of semiconductors in instrument systems.
66. Knows information about methods of testing semiconductor materials and structures of semiconductors.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. The main properties of crystals. Spatial mesh. The main properties of crystals.Ауызша
2Crystallographic projections. Spherical, stereographic projections.Жазбаша
3Gnomostereographic projections and their properties. Gnomonic projection.Ауызша
4Translations and types of crystal lattices. Symmetry in Crystals. Symmetry operations. Unit cell. The main types of crystal lattices. Brave nets.Жазбаша
5Crystallographic planes, Miller indices. The arrangement and orientation of planes in crystals. Miller indices and crystallographic orientations.презентация
6Crystallographic axial systems. Law of whole numbers. Side symbols.Ауызша
7Woolf's cosine method. Law of zones (Weiss law).Сұрақ-жауап
8The role of semiconductors in modern physics and technology. Substances belonging to semiconductors. Features of their crystal structure and nature of chemical bond.Ауызша және жазбаша
9Density of quantum states. Fermi-Dirac distribution function. Intrinsic and compound semiconductors. The degree of filling of mixture levels. Concentration of electrons and holes.test
10Electrical conductivity of semiconductors in weak electric fields. Mobility of electrons and holes. Electrical conductivity of intrinsic and compound semiconductors.Ауызша
11Electron-defect transition. Separation of impurities, volume charge, free carriers, field strength and potential at p-p junction.Жазбаша
12'Metal-semiconductor' contact. Schottky junction.Жазбаша
13Thermoelectric and thermomagnetic phenomena, Hall effect, galvanomagnetic phenomenaАуызша және жазбаша
14Surface phenomena in semiconductorsСұрақ-жауап
15Optical and photoelectric phenomena in semiconductors. Photoconductivity. Photovoltaic effects. Spontaneous and forced radiation. Lasers.презентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1N L.V. Edýard. Kún energııasy men jańartylatyn energııa nanofızıkasy. Oqýlyq. -2016.
2K.M. Mýsabekov, J.A. Ýsenkýlov. Vozobnovlıaemye ıstochnıkı energıı. 2016.
3M.T. Rýstamov, A.T. Meırbekov. Gıbrıdtіk energııalyq stantsııasy. Monografııa. 2019.
4F.N.Býlatbaev. Jańartylǵan energııanyń ornyqtyrýyn jobalaý jáne paıdalaný qalypqa keltіrý jáne eksplýatatsııalaý : Oqýlyq. . - Qaraǵandy: QarMTÝ, 2017.
5Výlf, Edýard L. Kún energııasy men jańartylatyn energııa nanofızıkasy : Oqýlyq. / Aǵyl. tіl. aýd. S. Azat, M. Nájіpqyzy; QR Bіlіm jáne ǵylym mınıstrlіgі, QR Joǵary oqý oryndarynyń qaýymdastyǵy. - Almaty: BOOKPRINT, 2016.
6G.G. Tatkeeva, V.A. Kalytka, N.M. Malıkov. Alternatıvnye ı vozobnovlıaemye ıstochnıkı energıı : Elektronnyı ýchebnık. / - Karaganda: KarGTÝ