Information Processing and Data Visualization
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KZhAB 3305 Managing The Architecture Of Computer Systems Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
PhD A.N.Amanov

The goal of this course is an organizationally ordered set of information and communication technologies, maintenance personnel and technical documentation that implement certain technological actions through information interaction and designed to solve specific functional problems. A set of tools and methods of software engineering for software design, which helps to ensure high quality programs, the absence of errors and ease of maintenance of software products.


Computer networks

Narrative, exchange of views, discussion, problem methods.

1Study of architectural features of computer systems.
2Can design and implement database architecture.
3Can design and select the architecture of computing equipment.
4Can build the architecture of modern computers.
5Can declare the operation of systems and networks.
6Analyzes the architecture of robotic systems.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1History of a personal computer, types, overview of the architecture of a computer system.
2Operating system upgrade.
3Updating drivers.
4Streamline, optimize BIOS.
5Service software.Defragmentation, Scandisk, Utility, Diagnostics.
6Structural computing equipment.System unit, power supply unit.
7RAM configuration, video card and video memory elements.
8Processor interfaces and characteristics and fan.
9Types and function of the motherboard.
10Monitor types and function.
11Keyboard, mouse, resumes, types and functions of ports.
12Laptop device service and description.
13Modem elements, network cards.
14Bluetooth interface.
15Monitor types and function.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Перифериялық құрылғы және интерфейстер. Оқу құралы [Текст] / Ә. Т. Баялы. - Алматы : Эпиграф, 2020
2Интернет технологиялары: Оқу әдістемелік құрал. Түркістан, 2017. С. С. Мауленов, Ж. А. Аймешов
3Баялы Ә.Т., Уксикбаев Е. «Компьютерлік жүйелерді ұйымдастыру және архитектурасы», 225 бет, 2022-27 сәуір
4Адам мен компьютерлік жүйелер арасындағы өзара әрекеттесу интерфейстері.= Интерфейсы взаимодействия человека с компьютерной системой. Оқу құралы. [Текст] / Т. Б. Нурпеисова, И. Н. Кайдаш. - Алматы : Бастау, 2019
5Архитектура компьютерных систем.УМК, Куламбаев Б.О. , Жусупова А.Б., Мошкалов А.К., 2015