Islamic Studies
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
КТ 2173 Theory of leadership Екінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions
Orazbai Serzhan

It considers the methodology and practice of effective management of people's behavior and interaction through the effective use of leadership qualities, styles, and methods of influence. The learner uses his strengths and opportunities of the environment rationally and acquires the skills to establish professional, academic, scientific and social relationships in his work. In the training course, the main focus is on increasing the efficiency of management, the flexibility and adequacy of its professional behavior, learning to use management tools in full

Islamic ethics

Fundamentals of religion

develop teaching methods, brainstorming, group work, case study, critical thinking

1Makes independent decisions with a critical attitude in collecting and analyzing data in professional and social spheres
2Explains information management, digital technology dissemination process or ways, individually and in groups
3Develops data goal-oriented leadership ability in professional and social spheres
4Determines the content, types, laws, principles, and technologies of research work
5Prepares and participates in projects aimed at preserving cultural heritage, opposes xenophobia and extremism, acts to protect the rights of national and religious minorities
6Communicates in national and foreign languages in the environment of professional, academic, scientific and social communication
7Explains the difference between traditional and non-traditional religious movements
8The Republic of Kazakhstan applies the legislation on religion
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Leadership and its significance in educationАуызша және жазбашаБиблиография
2Theories of leadershipАуызша және жазбаша
3Leadership stylesАуызша және жазбаша
4Leadership qualities of a specialist in the field of religious studiesЖазбаша
5Exercises for the development of leadership qualitiestest
6Metaphors for developing leadership qualitiesпрезентация
7Source of Shariah norms based on leadership theoryпрезентация
8Goals of leadership theorytest
9Political psychology of leadershipЖазбаша
10Early theories of leadershipАуызша және жазбаша
11Modern concepts: general typologies and types of leadershipпрезентация
125 steps to leadershipСұрақ-жауап
13The problem of the leader is in the science of pedagogy and psychologyЖазбаша
14The nature and concept of leadershipАуызша
15Self-management, guidance and leadershipСұрақ-жауап
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Нортхаус П. Көшбасшылық: теория және практика. - Алматы: «Ұлттық аударма бюросы» ҚҚ, 2020.
2Көшбасшылық теориясы. - Түркістан, 2014. Беркимбаев К.М., Кадирбаев Р.И., Сұлтанмұрат М.С., Бураева Ж.Б.
3Теория лидерства. Учебное пособие. С.Б. Бейсембаева. – Туркестан: МКТУ им. А.Ясауи, 2020
4Алан Дж. Уильямс, Сарбасов Н.С. Менеджмент и лидерство в образовании. – Астана: АОО «Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы» Центр педагогического мастерства, 2014
5Теория лидерства.
6«Көшбасшылық және менеджмент: Теория мен практиканың қазіргі даму тенденциялары» Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары. – Алматы: Абай атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық педагогикалық университеті, «Ұлағат» баспасы, 2019. – 524 б. Төмендегі сілтеме бойынша қолжетімді: