Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
КТ 2172 Subject name: Leadership theory Weekly lesson hours (lecture): 1,00 Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Sh.Zh. Ramankulov

The subject examines the methodology and practice of effectively managing the behavior and interaction of people through the effective use of leadership qualities, styles, and methods of influence.  The student rationally uses his strengths and the capabilities of the environment and acquires the skills of establishing professional, academic, scientific and social connections in his work.  The training course focuses on improving management efficiency, flexibility and adequacy of professional behavior, and learning to use management tools to the fullest.



1. Narration

2. Exchange of views

3. Problematic methods

4. Discussion

5. Vocational skills training

11. Knows the features of the formation of leadership ideas, as well as the forms and services of leadership.
22. Methods of training and development of creative and leadership qualities are mastered.
33. Understands the situation with leadership theory in Kazakhstan.
44. Learns ways to form and develop teacher leadership qualities.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
11. Week Lecture: Description of leadership theory. Seminar: Description of leadership theory.
22. Week Lecture: A brief history of leadership theory. Seminar: A brief history of leadership theory.
33. Week Lecture: Features of the formation of leadership ideas. Seminar: Features of the formation of leadership ideas.
44-5. Week Lecture: Forms and functions of leadership. Seminar: Forms and functions of leadership.
56-7. Week Lecture: Leadership and leadership qualities. Seminar: Leadership and leadership qualities.
68-9. Week Lecture: Cultivating teacher leadership qualities. Seminar: Cultivating teacher leadership qualities.
710-11. Week Lecture. Leadership theory in Kazakhstan. Seminar: Leadership theory in Kazakhstan.
812-13. Week Lecture: Development of creative abilities and leadership qualities. Seminar: Development of creative abilities and leadership qualities.
914-15. Week Lecture: Methods for developing leadership qualities in the modern period. Seminar: Methods for developing leadership qualities in the modern period.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Berkimbaev K., Kadyrbaeva R., Sultanmurat M., Buraeva Zh. Theory of leadership, Textbook. 2019, Shymkent.
22. Peter Northouse Leadership: theory and practice - Almaty: Public Foundation “National Translation Agency”, 2020.
33. Beisembayeva S. Theory of Leadership: Textbook. Turkestan 2020
44. Tokkulova G.T. Scientific and pedagogical foundations for introducing the experience of scientific, pedagogical and leadership activities of A. Sembaev into the process of professional training of future specialists. Educational and methodological structure. Turkestan 2020
55. S. A. Usenov The idea of Nursultan Nazarbayev - the ideology of independent Kazakhstan.. Almaty, 2016.
66. Berkimbaev K., Kadyrbaeva R., Sultanmurat M., Buraeva Zh. Theory of leadership. Shymkent, 2019. Textbook. http://library2.ayu.edu.kz
77. Abdillaev A.K., Baimukhanbetov B.M. Leadership theory. Educational tool. Turkestan, 2019. http://library2.ayu.edu.kz.
8Beisembayeva S. Theory of leadership. Toolkit. Turkestan, 2020. http://library2.ayu.edu.kz.