Physics Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KSOKB 2291 Solar Radiation and its Applied Directions Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Katpayeva K

The discipline considers the possibilities of using solar energy, technological features of energy conversion, basic technologies and methods of using solar energy sources. As a result, students acquire the skills of generalization, development and analysis of research on the general state of the Earth's energy, the basic principles of the use of solar energy sources, the basis of which are thermal power plants. Formulates knowledge about the design of power plants, prospects for the development of solar energy, world and domestic experience in their use.



Critical thinking

Method of working with a group project

Developmental teaching method

11. Understands about the Sun, solar radiation, composition, structure, basic characteristics of the Sun as a source of energy.
22. Knows about solar radiation, types of direct and diffuse radiation from the Sun.
33. Analyzes the main characteristics of various types of photovoltaic panels when designing solar power systems.
44. Summarizes the data obtained when determining the physical parameters of photocells.
55. Understands the structure and properties of semiconductor materials.
66. Summarizes the results of research on photoelectric conversion devices, defends his point of view, collects and analyzes data.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. Sun. Solar radiation. Composition, structure of the sun as a source of energy. Basic characteristics of the Sun.Ауызша
2Direct and diffuse radiation from the Sun. Angular coefficient. Atmospheric absorption of the sun.Жазбаша
3Solar radiation at the Earth's surface. Diffuse radiation on the Earth's surface. The flux density of solar radiation incident on a horizontal and inclined surface.презентация
4Cheap and efficient solar cells and the efficiency of their use.Сұрақ-жауап
5Photoelectric converters: types and properties.test
6Physical characteristics of thin film materials used in solar cells.Жазбаша
7Selection of solar photovoltaic panels. Electrical characteristics of solar panels.Ауызша
8Photovoltaic systems. Photovoltaic systems to provide an autonomous consumer.Ауызша және жазбаша
9Installation of solar collectors. Analysis of materials used for the manufacture of collector elementsАуызша
10Inverters and controller. General concept. Work principles.презентация
11Batteries. Acid battery. Alkaline battery. Principle of operation.Ауызша
12Passive Solar Energy: Basic Definitions and ConceptsЖазбаша
13Solar power plants and their typesАуызша және жазбаша
14Advantages and disadvantages of solar energyСұрақ-жауап
15Technology for draining water from a well using solar panels.презентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1N. V. Edward. Güneş ve yenilenebilir enerjinin nanofiziği. Ders kitabı. -2016.
2K. M. Musabekov, J. A. Usenkulov. Yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları. 2016.
3M. T. Rustamov, A. T. Meirbekov. Hibrit enerji istasyonu. Monografi. 2019.
4F. N. Bulatbayev. Yenilenebilir enerji tesisinin tasarımı ve işletilmesi normalleştirme ve işletme: ders kitabı.- Karağandı: KarGTU, 2017.
5Wolf, Edward L. Güneş ve Yenilenebilir Enerjinin Nanofiziği: ders kitabı. / İngilizce. dil. aud.S. Azat, M. Pushkovna; PKK'nın Eğitim ve Bilim Bakanlığı, PKK'nın yüksek öğretim kurumları Birliği.- Almatı: BOOKPRİNT, 2016.
6G. G. Tatkeeva, V. A. Kalytka, N.M. Malikov. Alternatif ve yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları: Elektronik Ders kitabı. / - Karağandı: KarGTU