Information Systems
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KSAJK 3232 Web Technologies төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
PhD, Senior Lecturer A. N. Amanov

The purpose of the discipline is based on the formation of students ' skills in creating interactive web pages using the document object model (DOM), javascript programming language and language, server-side data processing and using the PHP programming language for corporate databases and work, using content management systems (CMS).

Fundamentals of GIS technology

Networks and network technologies.

Method of developmental learning, brainstorming, IT method, method of mini-studies.         

1Can recognize and control information technical means.
2Analyzes theoretical and experimental research methods.
3Can design and select the architecture of computing equipment.
4Can build the architecture of modern computers.
5Can declare the operation of systems and networks.
6Can fully work on the requirements for business processes.
7Builds programming environments and development tools.
8Designs and can fully develop the program interface.
9Can compile databases.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The main scientific and technical problems of the development of Web technologies
2Global network technology software.
3HyperText Markup Language. Create an HTML document. Frame structure of the document.
4Languages for creating scripts for Web pages.
5JavaScript scripting language.
6Cascading tables of CSS styles.
7Types of selectors. CSS color and background.
8CMS content management systems. The concept of a content management system.
9Managing the content of the site through the CMS system.
10PHP server scripting language. Language syntax: data types, variables, expressions, operations.
11Software tools for working with online databases.
12Operators for working with databases, tables of databases.
13Working with records of database tables.
14Working with SQL queries from database tables.
15The work of linking tables of databases.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1A'dan Z'ye CSS. SEÇKİN YAYINCILIK, Ankara 2013, Rıza Çelik A'dan Z'ye PHP. SEÇKİN YAYINCILIK, Ankara 2015, Rıza Çelik
2Internet Tehnologies. Оқу құралы. N. P. Saparkhojayev. - Almaty: KazNRTU 2017, - 214 p. - 978-601-228-998-5 WEB технологии. Учебно- методический комплекс. 2021, Альманах- Алматы
3Web-технологиялар / Web-технологии: оқу құралы /У.Б.Асылбеков, А.А.Исмаилова. 1 бөлім. – Алматы: «Бастау», 2019. – 324 бет. РНР және My SQL-де WEB қосымшаларды құру негіздері. Оқу - әдістемелік құрал. Ә.Баялы. Р.Садыбеков. Алматы 2020
4Web-технологиялар / Web-технологии: оқу құралы /У.Б.Асылбеков, А.А.Исмаилова. 2 бөлім. – Алматы: «Бастау», 2019. – 248 бет.
5Computer Networks : Educational manual. - Shymkent: Miras Unversity, Alimbekova A.T. 2019. - 108 pp.