Information Systems
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KSAJK 3232 Creating a Client Server IS төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
PhD, A.N.Amanov

The purpose of the discipline is to consider theoretical and practical questions on planning, development and implementation of applications created on client-server architecture with the aim of introducing them to enterprises by organizations. In this case, such basic concepts as client, application server and data server, two -, three -, and N-level architectures for building client-server applications are considered.


Databases in Information Systems

Practical class. Group project work, Participation in research, IT method; search for materials in the library, on the Internet, Research, Teamwork (coaching); performance of joint works (report, project, problem solving).                  

1Full mastery of the principles of working with tables in online databases.
2Able to work with database tools and applications.
3Provides technical support and updating of the database.
4Can design hardware software complexes to install databases.
5Coordinates work on database management.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Evolution of data storage methods.
2Classification of DBMS.
3Main functions of the DBMS.
4Typical DBMS organization and processing of SQL queries on database servers.
5Database access levels.
6Inline SQL.
7Access to data based on the ODBC standard.
8Access to the database using CGI scripts.
9Using PHP to access the database.
10General concepts of relationship theory.
11First ways to organize a database.
12Relational data model.
13Logical design of relational databases .
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Computer networks. Educatonal manual. 2019. Almanah Almaty
2Информационно-коммуникационные технологии : Учебное пособие. . - Алматы: Бастау, 2017. - 544 c. - ISBN 978-601-281-230-5. Т. Б. Нурпейсова, И. Н. Кайдаш
3Information and Communication Technologies. 2017. T. B. Nurpeisova, I. N. Kaidash. Bastau, Almaty.
4Разработка алгоритмов управления информацинными потоками поступающими на порт Ethernet-коммутатора. 2020, Монография, Альманах-Алматы, Ш. А. Мирзакулова
5UNIX желілік бағдарламлау. 2016. Алматы. В. Р. Стивенс