International Law
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KRShEEK3215 Labor law of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries Үшінші курс 5 150 15 30 -
Course Descriptions

The labor law of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries is an independent branch of law regulating relations in the field of labor. The main source of labor law is currently the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Studying the course in the context of the globalization of economics and law, the growth of international economic and humanitarian ties, in particular international labor migration, is becoming an essential component of legal knowledge.



Work in group, work in pair, blitz questions, creative teaching method,  problem solution essay, task-based learning method, silent way method, brainstorming, dialogue building, communicative method

1He knows how to negotiate in international courts and national judicial bodies.
2learn to represent the interests of the client in court proceedings.
3It can form the provision of qualified legal services.
4identifies offenses aimed at establishing international legal norms.
5It is capable of conducting investigations aimed at violating international legal norms.
6studies methods of suppressing offenses aimed at violating international legal norms.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1General characteristics of international labor law.
2The history of international labor law.
3Means of international legal regulation of labor
4Mechanisms for monitoring the implementation of international labour standards and international legal means of protecting labour rights
5International human rights standards in the field of labor
6European Labour Law
7Legal regulation of international labor relations.
8International legal impact on labor relations within multinational enterprises.
9Legal regulation of the work of persons working in international intergovernmental organizations.
10Establishment of tax and legal norms through the conclusion of international treaties
11Principles, subjects of labor law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
12A collective agreement.
13Employment contract
14Guarantee and compensation payments to employees
15Labor protection
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Uluslararası hukuk. Kitap 1. Ah, 2019. Shaw Malcolm N
22. Uluslararası hukuk. Kitap 2. Ah, 2019. Shaw Malcolm N.
33. Kazakistan Cumhuriyeti'nin dış politikası. Ders kitabı.Almatı, 2017.: Makasheva K. N., Gubaydullina M. S.
44.Uluslararası iş hukuku ve yasama ortamı: işlemsel bir bakış açısından araştırma. Ders kitabı.Almatı, 2019.Ed. Tazhin MM Oud-r: Abishova K. M., Zholdasbayeva G. S., Iskako.I.
55. Uluslararası Özel Hukuk. Ders kitabı. Almatı, 2021. Nizanbekova L.
66.Yabancı devletlerin yargı sistemleri.Ders kitabı.Almatı,2021.-358 s.