Business and Management (Finance)
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KNS 5315 Entrepreneurial risk insurance Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions

The purpose of the course is the formation of competencies to explain the work of risk insurance in the field of entrepreneurial activity, taking into account risks in the financial environment. Examines the organization of entrepreneurial activity in the world economy and international economic relations and reveals its principles. Demonstrates the ability to collect the necessary data, analyze them and prepare an information review or analytical report using domestic and foreign sources of information.

Risk Management and Financial Modeling


Group work, pair work, flash questions, problem solving essay, problem-based learning method, brainstorming

11 master the methods, technologies of systematization, processing of information on the functioning of the internal document management system of the insured organization.
2Has information about product innovations or organizational changes in business risk insurance.
3Know and be able to apply basic risk management approaches in business activities
4Developed systematic development of approaches and methods for analyzing the relationship between the insurer and the policyholder's companies in order to prepare balanced management decisions
5Analyzes the ideas and approaches to the study of the directions of Economic Science, adapts them to the conditions of the tasks set
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Еconomic essence and functions of insurance. Basic concepts and terms of insurance
2The role and place of insurance in the protection of business activities
3Commercial and financial risks аs the main types of entrepreneurial risks
4Methods of organizing insurance of entrepreneurial risks rules for concluding insurance contracts.
5Financial risk insurance
6Credit risk insurance
7Risk insurance (hedging)using modern financial instruments
8Bank risk insurance
9Investment insurance
10Specifics of the development of insurance products for insurance of types of entrepreneurial (financial) risks
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. A.O.Bazarbayev to Saktandyr.Okulyk.Almaty 2014
22. K.B. Tazhibekova, G.K. Rauandina Saktandyru isi: Okulyk.- Karaganda: KarMTU, 2017.
3N. N. Kerimbekova. Banktik tauekelder zhane ony baskaru.Oku kuraly/- Almaty : Kazakh University, 2020.- 138 p
44. A.M. Nurgalieva. Credit risks in the bank's risk management system. Monograph / - Almaty : 'Economics' baspasy, 2015. - 216 p
55. Pomazanov M. V., Penikas G. I. Credit risk management in a bank: the approach of internal ratings (PVR): a practical guide for universities Moscow: Yurayt, 2022
66. Safuanov R. M., Sharifyanova Z. F. Insurance: a textbook (Moscow: Prometheus, 2018
77. Mazaeva M. V. Insurance: textbook for universities Moscow: Yurayt, 2022