Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KNO4377 Stock Exchange Transactions төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions

The subject of stock market operations is to determine and (or) maintain a price (rate) higher or lower than the established price (rate) for securities and other financial instruments, including foreign currencies and derivative financial instruments, as a result of the objective ratio of supply and demand of financial market subjects, includes actions aimed at creating the appearance of trading with securities or other financial instruments, making transactions using insider information

narrating, explaining, providing information, question-answer, work in small groups, work in pairs; tests

1LO 1- Forms knowledge of stock market operations, stock market business
2LO 2- Practically applies knowledge and skills on stock market operations.
3LO 3- Can organize analysis of exchange securities and exchange goods in the financial sphere
4LO 4- able to use domestic and foreign sources of information, legislative and regulatory documents in the regulation of big data in solving analytical and research problems in stock market operations
5LO 5- Can evaluate and analyze the effectiveness of brokerage services in the financial sphere.
6LO 6- Able to form and forecast Exchange transactions, Exchange prices, evaluate and analyze the quality of brokerage services in the financial sector.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The emergence and development of stock exchanges
2The main tasks, functions and types of the stock exchange
3Services of current exchanges
4Stock market of Kazakhstan
6Exchange securities
7Exchange goods
8The basics of futures trading
9Stock transaction, its types and characteristics
10Place and role of brokerage service in the exchange
11Participants of exchange trading in the market
12Exchange price formation and analysis
13Organization of stock trading
14Clearing and settlement of exchange transactions
15Delivery of stock goods
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Қazіrgі kezdegі қor naryқtary. Oқulyқ, 2018 R.Қ.Sagieva., M.Zh.Arzaeva zhәne t.b.
2Қarzhy instututtary zhәne naryқtary, lekcija zhinaғy, Tүrkіstan. 2020. A.A.Saparova
3Baғaly қaғazdar naryғynyң teorijasy men praktikasy. Oқulyқ. 2-basylym,.2018.A.Zh.Turlybekova
4Rynok cennyh bumag i birzhevoe delo. Praktikum. - Almaty 2017. M.Nurgazina
5Baғaly қaғazdar naryғynyң teorijasy men praktikasy. Oқulyқ. 2-basylym,.2018.A.Zh.Turlybekova