Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KNBDB3377 Big data and blockchain in the financial market Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 3
Course Descriptions
Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh

Big data (big data) are software tools that can process a large amount of information created as a result of technological innovations. Blockchain is a special structure for recording a group of transactions in the system of Bitcoin or its equivalent. Teaches the use of big data and blockchain technology in the financial market.

narrating, explaining, providing information, question-answer, work in small groups, work in pairs; tests

1LO 1- builds knowledge on big data and blockchain technology
2LO 2- applies knowledge and skills in practice.
3LO 3- can organize the analysis of the use of big data in various fields
4LO 4- Can use domestic and foreign sources of information, big data regulation in solving analytical and research problems.
5LO 5- can assess and analyze the effectiveness of big data and blockchain technology in the economic sector.
6LO 6- collects, analyzes and processes necessary data using big data and blockchain technology to solve economic problems;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Understanding of personal and big data, historical development
2Components of big data
3Application of big data in different sectors
4Application of big data in the banking sector
5Contribution of big data to business and accounting applications
6Data mining and its application to capital markets
7Big data processing technologies
8Techniques used in big data analysis
9Challenges and risks of implementing big data
10The economic importance of big data
11Evaluating big data applications from the perspective of personal data protection law
12The concept and emergence of blockchain technology
13Industries using blockchain technology
14Taxation with blockchain technology
15Implications and prospects of blockchain technology in finance and accounting
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Innovacijalyқ jekonomika negіzderі. Oқu құraly [Tekst]/ B.S.Myrzaliev, M.Zh.Djusegaliev, B. M. Djusegalieva. - Atyrau : Dosmұhamedov atyndaғy Atyrau memlekettіk univer., 2019. - 269 s. - ISBN 978-601-7876-65-4 : B. c.
2Қazіrgі zamanғy Қazaқstandy zhaңғyrtu mәn mәtіnіnde өzgerіsterdі basқarudyң қoldanbaly aspektіlerі. Әdіstemelіk құral-praktikum. Astana, Eurazijalyқ integracija instituty, 2018, A.A.Erekeshev, A.E.Ysқaқov, T.B.Құlmұhamedov t.b.
3Rassel, S., Norvig, P. Zhasandy intellekt: Zhaңashyl әdіs : Oқulyқ. 3-tom / Aғyl. tіl. aud.: M.E. Mansұrova, K.S. Dүjsebekova; ҚR bіlіm zhәne ғylym ministrlіgі, ҚR zhoғary oқu oryndarynyң қauymdastyғy. - 3-basylym - Almaty: Poligrafkombinat, 2016. - 582 b. - ISBN 978-601-7427-67-2.
4Tөrtіnshі industrijalyқ revaljucija. Oқulyқ. 2016. Klaus Shvab
5Sadanova, B.M. Derekter bazasynyң tehnologijalary : Jelektrondyқ oқulyқ. . - Қaraғandy: ҚarMTU, 2017.