Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KM 3393 Quantum Mechanics Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Kurmantaev A.N.

Quantum mechanics is focused on the study of physical phenomena occurring at a microlevel comparable to Planck's constant. The effects are manifested at the maximum microscopic level. Quantum mechanics considers the behavior and properties of atoms, nuclei, photons and other elementary particles. As a result of studying the discipline, students develop flexibility and practical skills that allow them to freely apply the methods of quantum mechanics, explain the general theoretical situation, and analyze physical examples.

narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods, reporting.

1Able to use physical knowledge, methods of physics recognition and practical methods of action in various situations of everyday life;
2The main laws and principles of physics are performed by connecting their meaning with the general laws of physics in the production of any individual problem
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Able to use physical knowledge, methods of physics recognition and practical methods of action in various situations of everyday life;
2The main laws and principles of physics are performed by connecting their meaning with the general laws of physics in the production of any individual problem
3Probabilistic characterization of microparticle behavior. The control problem in quantum mechanics.
4Representation of determinable quantities in quantum mechanics.
5Eigenfunction and eigenvalues of self-adjoint operators, their physical meaning.
6Average values of observed variables, probability of their chance values. Commutator of operators. Principle of causality in quantum mechanics. Schrödinger's equation.
7Hamiltonian for a system of particles and a particle interacting in an external field.
8Schrödinger equation and conservation laws. The principle of causality in quantum mechanics. Schrödinger's equation. Schrödinger's radial equation. Energy spectrum and wave functions of hydrogen atom.
9Conservation laws and their relation to the symmetry of space and time.
10Schrödinger's stationary equation.
11Coordinate representation. Free representation of the description of states and observable quantities.
12Free representation of the description of states and observable quantities.
13Impulse and energy representation, their connection with coordinate representation.
14One dimensional movement.
15A particle problem in a potential well.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Kvanttyq fızıka: negіzgі zańdar. Oqýlyq . -2012. I. E. Irodov kýrs fızıkı.
22. Kvanttyq mehanıka. Jańa kózqaras. Oqýlyq. -2013. K. Konıshı, Dj. Paffýtı
33. Kvantovaıa fızıka . Ýchebnoe posobıe. 2017. A.G. Volkov, A.A. Povzner
44. Kvanttyq mehanıka. Jańa kózqaras : Oqýlyq. 1-bólіm 2013 http://rmebrk.kz/book/115125 Kvanttyq mehanıka. Jańakózqaras :Oqýlyq. 2-bólіm 2014 http://rmebrk.kz/book/1171050 Konıshı, K., Paffýtı, Dj.
55. Kvanttyq fızıka: negіzgі zańdar. Oqýlyq . -2012. I. E. Irodov kýrs fızıkı.
66. Kvantovaıa fızıka . Ýchebnoe posobıe. 2017. A.G. Volkov, A.A. Povzner