Philology: Kazakh Philology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KKTGM 3220 Scientific Morphology of the Modern Kazakh Language Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
PhD J.K.Suinzhanova

The purpose of the discipline: formation, consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge about the morphological system of the Kazakh language, obeying and constantly developing according to certain laws. This discipline is aimed at studying morphology, grammar, and the specifics of language activity. As a result of studying the discipline, they will master the skill of parsing a word as a communicative unit. Examines the grammar of the Kazakh language, its branches, basic grammatical concepts, types of applications, classes of words and their morphological composition.



 1. working in a group
 2 Critical thinking
 3. Creative search 
 4. Reproductive method
  5. project-based learning

11. Analyzes the ways and techniques of creating grammatical meanings in the Kazakh language;
22. According to the grammatical properties of words, they are divided into grammatical groups, classes of words, and determine the features;
33. Analyzes the basic grammatical concepts, determines the features of grammatical form and grammatical meaning;
44. Differentiates grammatical categories;
55. Conducts work on the classification of morphemes, determination of suffix and connective properties;
66. Defines the parts of speech, distinguishing their types and determining the morphological structure.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
11. week Theoretical The object of research, the purpose, the task of the discipline 'Morphology of the Kazakh language'. Grammar of the Kazakh language, its branches.Ауызша
22. week Theoretical Basic grammatical concepts. Ways of giving grammatical meaningАуызша
33. week Theoretical Types of affixes. Plural and plurality category.Сөздік
44. week Theoretical Possessive endings and the category of possessiveness. Case endings and reliability category.Ауызша
55. week Theoretical Personal endings and personality category. Word forms, education and types.Ауызша
66. week Theoretical Grouping of words in the Kazakh language by semantic and morphological features. Phenomena of the transition of words from one category to another.Сөздік
77. week Theoretical The noun. Adjective. Degrees of comparison of adjectives, meanings, forms.Сөздік
88. week Theoretical The numeral. PronounАуызша
99. week Theoretical Verb, the study of the verb. Compound verbs, types.Ауызша
1010. week Theoretical Analytical formants and their meanings. Mood category. Types of moods.Сөздік
1111. week Theoretical The pledges of the verb. Time category.Ауызша
1212. week Theoretical The initial form of the verb. Intransitive, transitive verbs.Ауызша
1313. week Theoretical Participle. The adverbial participle. Adverb.Ауызша
1414. week Theoretical Imitative words. InterjectionСөздік
1515. week Theoretical Unions. Modal words.Сөздік
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Жылқыбай Г. Қазіргі қазақ тілі морфологиясының теориялық курсы (оқу құралы) Шымкент, 2020
2Б.К.Момынова, Ж.Б.Саткенова. Қазақ тілінің морфологиясы. Оқу құралы. Алматы«Қазақ университеті», 2020.-279 б.
3Фромкин В., Родман Р., Хайамс Н. Тіл біліміне кіріспе. 2018
4А.Б.Салқынбай. Қазақ тілі: сөздік құрам. Сөзжасам. Оқу құралы. Алматы «Қазақ университеті», 2020. -390 б.
5Байымбетова .Ж.А. Қазіргі қазақ тілінің морфологиясының теориясы мен практикалық курсы. Оқу құралы. Алматы, 2022.