Business and Management (Finance)
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KKBT 6307 Valuation and analysis of securities Екінші курс 6 180 2 2 0
Course Descriptions

The purpose of the course is to develop the competencies of undergraduates in the field of securities transactions, as well as the analysis of financial relations. The discipline teaches to find out the economic value of securities and derivative financial instruments, to consider and evaluate the characteristics of specific types of securities, the conditions for their issuance and circulation, the possibility of using economic entities in economic practice.



Group work, pair work, flash questions, problem solving essay, problem-based learning method, brainstorming

1He is able to analyze and evaluate legislative acts in the field of the securities market;
2He is able to predict the impact of economic processes on the development of the securities market.
3Collects and analyzes the necessary information on securities to make a professional judgment in assessing the risks of their operations;
4Formulates reasonable conclusions based on the results of information obtained in the process of conducting financial analysis on transactions with securities of an economic entity;
5He has the skills to justify the strategy of investing in securities in order to ensure the economic security of an economic entity.
6He has a methodology for analyzing securities transactions in terms of comparison, assessment of financial results and probability of income
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Basic theories and functions of securities market analysis
2Fundamental analysis of the securities market
3Technical analysis of the securities market
4Analysis of investments in a commercial bank
5Analysis of investments in a mutual fund
6Analysis of investments of an insurance company and a non-governmental pension fund
7Securities analysis.
8Analysis of derivative financial instruments
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Risk theory and modeling of risk situations: A textbook for bachelors /A. S.Shapkin, V.A.Shapkin.-6th ed. ; Electronic Text data.-M. : IR'Dashkov and Co.', 2014. -880s.-
22. Securities analysis / Graham Benjamin, Dodd David; Trans. from English - 3rd ed. - M. : Williams, 2012. - 880 p.
33. Financial mathematics: Mathematical modeling of financial transactions : A textbook / V. Ya. Gabeskiria; Edited by V.A.Polovnikov, A.I.Pilipenko.- M.: University textbook: Infra-M, 2010.- 360c.
44. Economic and mathematical methods and models: computer modeling : Textbook / Orlova Irina Vladlenovna, Polovnikov Viktor Antonovich. - 2nd ed., ispr. and additional. - M.: University textbook: INFRA-M, 2010.- 366s.
55. Securities market: Practicum / T.K.Blokhina. - M. : Publishing House of RUDN, 2012. - 60 p.