Accounting and Audit
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KIKT 3390 Analysis of the activities of financial institutions Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions

As a result of studying the discipline, achieving the following educational results: studying the practice of creating and adapting corporate financial strategies that combine capital raising and investment, developing an analytical apparatus for modern analysis of a complex of corporate financial decisions, including those related to project management; students acquire the basics of theory and the basics of decision-making in the field of timely financial management systems.

Group work, pair work, blitz questions, problem-solving essays, problem-based learning methods, brainstorming.

1He is proficient in modern methods of collecting, systematizing, structuring and analyzing indicators characterizing the activities of financial institutions and instruments
2has practical skills in analyzing and interpreting financial, statistical and other information on the functioning of financial institutions
3he is able to conduct an in-depth analysis of financial statements, diagnose problems of the financial condition of the enterprise
4has an understanding of financial stability and the target capital structure. He is able to objectively assess risks and analyze the state of an enterprise, taking into account its debt obligations.
5demonstrates the ability to evaluate and conduct applied research on the impact of fundamental factors on the functioning of financial institutions
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The specifics of the activities of investment institutions. The subject and methods of organizing analytical work in them.
2Organization and analysis of activities in holding companies
3Features and analysis of the activities of financial and industrial groups
4Analysis of the results of credit activities in non-bank financial compani
5Analysis of financial performance indicators of investment banks
6Analysis of financial performance indicators of an insurance company
7Analysis of the financial results of the activities of the penny funds
8Features of the organization of the analysis of activities in charitable foundations
9Dealer organizations: financial analysis and reporting
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Zh. Z. Oralbayeva A. Z.. Arystanambayeva Аnalysis actionum oeconomicarum et oeconomicarum organizationis. Studium ductor. Almaty. 2019
2Kozhabekov S. S., tlubaev s. A. Fundamenta analysis oeconomicae. Studere ductor., Almaty 2023
3Dauletkhanova Jd Analysis constitutionum nummariarum: artem. - Nur Sultanus: 2021.
4R. E. Gianshanlo. Financial Analysis: Artem, Almaty, 2019.
5Gollapudi To m. A. et al. Financial analysis dictis. Artem. LLC ' INFRA M. Scientificum et Editum Centrum, 2022