Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KIK 4391 Investment activity of the Enterprise төртінші курс 6 180 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh

The discipline develops data analysis skills to calculate efficiency.Considers ways to improve the production and economic, financial and economic activities of the organization in order to develop a methodology for making a profit and increasing the investment ability of the enterprise.The student will learn how to calculate economic indicators, analyze the structure of the main and current assets of the enterprise, justify ways to improve the efficiency of the investment project of the enterprise.

Enterprise economy

Group work, work in pairs, blitz questions, creative learning method, problem solving essay, problem learning method, brainstorming.

1Defines the key components and categories within the system of investment relations. Analyzes the interplay between different elements in the investment system. Evaluates the impact of investment behavior on the overall investment relations framework.
2Identifies and articulates the fundamental principles that govern investment behavior. Explores how these principles guide decision-making in the context of investments. Discusses real-world examples that illustrate the application of these principles in investment scenarios.
3Examines various tools used in investment behavior analysis. Evaluates the practical applications of these tools in investment decision-making. Discusses how different tools contribute to a comprehensive understanding of investment behavior.
4Understands the concept of investment climate as an institutional space. Investigates how the investment climate influences investor behavior. Explores strategies for companies to adapt their investment behavior during transformation periods influenced by changes in the investment climate.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Investment behavior in the system of categories of investment relations
2Basic principles of investment behavior
3Investment Behavior Tools
4Investment climate as an institutional space for investor behavior Investment behavior of a company during the transformation period
5Conceptual foundations of innovative development
6Leading factors of economic development
7Intellectual capital as part of the resources of modern economic development
8Investments in human capital as a condition for innovative development
9Conceptual basis for the formation of a system of innovation-oriented investment design
10Terminological problems of forming a system of innovation-oriented investment design
11Principles and main provisions of innovation-oriented investment design
12Specific features of drawing up a feasibility study for a project within the framework of an innovation-oriented investment design system
13Improving methodological approaches to taking into account the innovation factor when forming criteria for making investment decisions
14Development of conceptual approaches to the formation of discounting standards as a tool for managing innovative development
15Basic principles of investment behavior
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Mұқtarova,Қ. Investiciyalyқ zhobalardy basқarudyң teoriyasy men әdіstemesі. Oқu құraly. / Қ. S. Mұқtarova, A. T. Myltyқbaeva. - Almaty : Қazaқ un-tі, 2020. - 93 s.
2Asilova , A. S. Sauda-sattyқ zhәne investiciyalyқ sayasat. Oқulyқ / A. S. Asilova . - Almaty : Master print, 2019. - 96 s.
3Analiz proektov, uchebnoe posobie. Almaty Қazaқ universitetі, 2020, N.SH.Al'zhanova
4Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost' firmy. Uchebnoe posobie - Almaty : Lantar Trejd, 2021. - 239 s.// / N. T. Smagulova, A. N. Abuova.