International Relations. Program
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KHKT 5215 Modern Theories of International Relations Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions

This course aims to critically evaluate and applythe long evolution of theoretical and conceptual paradigms of international relations. Focusing on the critical examination of the main classic and new theories, this course critically examines and analyzes the latest theories of feminism, postmodern theories, globalism theories, and environmental theories, etc. Grand theoretical basis in IR would sufficiently help young researches to evaluate appropriately the current world processes of globalization, integration, regionalization, geopolitical and economic trends.

Comparative regionalization and regional organizations in global politics


Work in group, work in pair, blitz questions, creative teaching method,  problem solution essay, task-based learning method, silent way method, brainstorming, dialogue building, communicative method

1LO 1-Conducts conceptual and theoretical analysis on International Relations.
2LO 2- Analyzes the modern theoretical development of International Relations ideas
3LO 3- Conducts an inclusive research on the theories of International Relations
4LO 4 - Compares the basic approaches of theories
5LO 5- Explains the purpose of theory and theoretical studies and why they are important.
6LO 6- Comments on the future of international relations and emerging trends within the framework of the theoretical approaches discussed
7LO7- Explains the basic assumptions, important problematics, epistemological, ontological and methodological foundations of the leading theoretical approaches in the discipline of International Relations and their answers/solutions to the problematics they have identified with examples.
8LO 8- Evaluates the discussions of International Relations theories and expresses his/her own thoughts in his/her research
9LO 9- Compares and analyzes different theories
10LO 10- He uses International Relations theories to analyze and explain historical and current events and problems.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Major Debates and Post-modern Theories in International Relations
2Major Debates and Post-modern Theories in International Relations
3Major Debates and Post-modern Theories in International Relations
4Major Debates and Post-modern Theories in International Relations
5The Idea of Liberation and Enlightenment in Critical Theory
6Major debates and post-modern theories in International Relations
7Constructivism Approaches in International Relations
8British School of International Relations: International Community and the Order‐Justice dichotomy
9Revision of security in international relations: traditional and alternative approaches
10Copenhagen School and Security: changing security environment, challenges, opportunities and challenges
11Discourses of various feminist approaches based on international relations
12Critical geopolitics
13Morality and international relations
14International Historical Sociology: structure, history and dialectics
15Theory of international relations and the world order after COVID-19
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Иватова Л.М., Қайдарова Ә.С., Мухитденова Ә.Т.,Халықаралық қатынастар теориясы, оқу құралы, Алматы 2019
2Торбьорн Л.К., қазақ тіліне ауд. Сайбекова Н., Бурибаева Ж.Халықаралық қатынастар теориясының тарихы, - Алматы: Дәуір, 2017
3Мажиденова Д.М., Шерьязданова К. Г., Теория международных отношений: учебное пособие, Алматы 2016.
4Мовкебаева Г.А., Современные проблемы международных отношений. Монография. Алматы, 2020
5Черных И.А., Теория международных отношений, учебное пособие. Алматы, 2020 университеті. - Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2014,
6Халықаралық қатынастар теориясының тарихы: Оқулық 3-басылым - Алматы: Дәуір, 2017,
7История международных отношений: движущие силы, глобальные тенденции: Учебник для бакалавров по направлению подготовки «Международные отношения» / — М.: Издательство Московского университета, 2015. — 560 с. — (Основы глобалистики: историческое измерение).