Physics Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KF 4309 Quantum physics төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Bekbayev S

The course of quantum physics uses the basic ideas of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, analyzing the first quantum idea and its basic principles: the wave function and its probabilistic nature, the De Broglie hypothesis, the uncertainty principle and the equation of motion. As a result of studying the discipline, students master the methods of applying the quantum idea to the physics of the atom, nuclei, liquid and solid bodies.



Group work, learning and study, brainstorming, poster protection, creativity teaching methods, mini-research method, project work method, professional skill improvement method, Modular teaching technology.

1understands information visualization, reception, processing and distribution with the help of tools;
2performs demonstration experiments with the help of instruments; - basic general and theoretical physics in various fields of physics.
3understands the principles of working with optoelectronic microcircuits and electro-optical, magneto-optical and other information converters
4performs in connection with the general laws of physics.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Probabilistic characterization of microparticle behavior. The control problem in quantum mechanics.Ауызша
2Representation of determinable quantities in quantum mechanics.Жазбаша
3Eigenfunction and eigenvalues of self-adjoint operators, their physical meaning.Ауызша
4Average values of observed variables, probability of their chance values. Operator switch. The principle of causality in quantum mechanics. Schrödinger's equation.Жазбаша
5Hamiltonian for a system of particles and a particle interacting in an external field.Ауызша және жазбаша
6Schrödinger equation and conservation laws. The principle of causality in quantum mechanics. Schrödinger's equation. Schridenger's radial equation. Energy spectrum and wave functions of hydrogen atom. Conservation laws and their relation to the symmetry of space and time.Сұрақ-жауап
7Conservation laws and their relation to the symmetry of space and time.презентация
8Schrödinger's stationary equation.test
9Coordinate representation. Free representation of the description of states and observable quantities.Ауызша
10Free representation of the description of states and observable quantities.Жазбаша
11Impulse and energy representation, their connection with coordinate representation.Ауызша
12One dimensional motion.Жазбаша
13A particle problem in a potential well.Сұрақ-жауап
14Tunnel effect.презентация
15Linear harmonic oscillator.test
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Konıshı K. Paffýt D. Kvanttyq mehanka. Jańa kózqaras 1. Almaty 2018
22. Kúreńkeı T., Kúreńkeev B.T. Kvanttyq mehanıka. Almaty: Ǵylym 2017
33. Irodov I.E. Kvanttyq fızıka. Negіzgі zańdar. Oqýlyq/aýd. Júrerova L.Ǵ.Almaty, 2016
44. Bekbaev S.M. Atom jáne ıadrolyq fızıka negіzderі: oqý quraly. Túrkіstan: Q.A.Iasaýı atyndaǵy HQTÝ, 2016. -150b
51. Jýsýpov M.A., Ibraeva E.T. Vvedenıe v matematıcheskıı apparat kvantovoı mehanıkı.-Alma-Ata.:KazGÝ,1986.
62. Jýsýpov M.A., Ibraeva E.T. Ýravnenıe Shredıngera ı ego prosteıshıe prımenenııa.- Alma-Ata.:KazGÝ,1986.
73. Jýsýpov M.A., Ibraeva E.T. Sıstemy tojdestvennyh chastıts v kvantovoı mehanıke. - Alma-Ata.:KazGÝ,1987.
84. Galıtskıı V.M., Karnakov B.M., Kogan V.I. Zadachı po kvantovoı mehanıke.-M.: Naýka,1981.