Kazakh Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KEB 4239 1960-1990 in the Kazakh Literary Science төртінші курс 3 90 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
F.Y.K. doçent D. Islam

II world war, its role in literature, humanism, creativity of war in fiction; the theme of labor during the restoration of the national economy; analyzes, develops information about the decisions and regulations of the last years of the war, their consequences for literature; in detail, deeply recognizes the historical and social situation of the Kazakh people in the last years of the war of the twentieth century, therefore, developed literature. The literature of the early 20th century brought to the fore complex political and social issues, because at that time choosing one's future and achieving independence were the main issues on the agenda of Kazakh society. The literature was able to solve this topical issue. Literary representatives-innovators of Kazakh literature Magzhan Zhumabayev, Zhusipbek Aimautov, Berniyaz Kuleyev, etc. form knowledge about Increases the result of professional activity, improves self-development.

Literature ofthe independence era, Industrial practice, The sis

"Incharge of the Kazakh literary science", "Kazakh folk oral literature", "Lite rature of the era of independence and Khanate"

2. Exchange ofviews
3. Discussion
4.Problem methods
3. Working with a group
4. Brainstorming
5.Training period Training method

1definition of the content, types, patterns, principles, technologies of research work; reflects the consideration of basic knowledge in the field of Philology in the organization of research work; defines the content, types, patterns, principles, and technologies of research work
2defines the content and regularities of the development of literature, reflects the main stages of the classical and modern literary process, explains the features of works of representatives of literature of the period, individual author's and artistic systems
3the types of manifestation and expressiveness of the literary language in a work of art, the ideas and pathos of the work are measured from the point of view of national interests.; explains the aesthetic laws and forms of artistic consciousness reflected in works of literature
4organizes training in language and literary phenomena in an aspect and complex direction, uses trends in the development of language and literature, typological features of the Kazakh language in writing project
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Objectives of studying the discipline
2Kazakh historical prose (historical sources in prose).
3Modern Kazakh poetry (1960-90).
4Searches in the poem.
5Kazakh drama. Lyrical, epic, historical types.
6The work of Abdilda Tazhibaev.
7Features of the development of Kazakh literary science and criticism.
8Creativity of Khamit Eraliev, Zhuban Moldagaliev, S. Maulenov
9Creativity of Takhaui Akhtanov
10Creativity of B. Sokpakbaev. Prose by S. Zhunusov
11Creativity of Abdijamil Nurpeisov
12Creativity of Z. Kabdolov, T. Zharmaganbetov.
13Creativity of Mukagali Makataev, S. Zhienbaev
14Creativity of Zh.Nazhimedenov, M.Shakhanov
15The works of O. Bukey, the prose of Comrade Alimkulov. Practical
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Toksambayeva A. Modern Kazakh literature (1960-2000): textbook.- Astana: Foliant,2013-160 P. / / https://elib.kz/Klastikalyk
2And Isledovaniya: mnogotomnye [Classics and Studies: multi-volume]. Almaty: Mir literatury Publ., 2014, vol. 34: literaturovedenie i kritika (1960-1990), 408 p.
3History of Kazakh literature (1956-1990). Volume 9. Almaty, 2005.
4Esbalaev.A. Puti analysis of a work of art. Educational and methodical manual. 2018.
5D. A.Islam Istoriya kazakskoi literatury XX veka [History of Kazakh literature of the XX century]. training manual. Turkestan, 2020.