Philology: Kazakh Philology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KEB 2215 XIX Century in the Kazakh Literary Science Екінші курс 3 90 1 1 0
Course Descriptions
Assoc.Prof. Koshenova T.

The subject covers one of the significant periods of national literature, it is literature of XIX century. The interrelation of poetry of akyns and zhyrau, and also questions concerning art belongs to the maintenance of a subject and style sequences will be considered from the scientific theoretical point of view. The history of Kazakh literature of the XIX century is recognizable with themes-ideological, genre and artistic points of view.

20 th century in the Kazakh literary science I

Problemsoforalfolkliterature, Foreign literature 

1. Teamwork;
2. blitz questions;
3. critical thinking, brainstorming
4. case study.
5. the method of developing learning;
6. poster protection;
7. creativity teaching methods;
8. problem method;
9. modular learning technology;

11. knows the study, development, formation of Kazakh literature of the XIX century;
22. uses in practice the methods and principles of studying the Kazakh literary science of the XIX century;
33. can use the fundamental laws and theories of the Kazakh literary science of the XIX century in research works;
44. masters the main stages of the classical and New literary process of Kazakh literature of the XIX century;
55. knows the values of Kazakh literature of the XIX century, understands its place and value in the system of scientific research, analyzes the history of development;
66. uses the basics of theoretical knowledge in the analysis of works of representatives of the literature of the period;
77. learn to distinguish the features and peculiarities of development, the meaning of Kazakh literature of the XIX century;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Kazakh history and literature of the XIX century.Ауызша
2The traditional art of aitys of the nineteenth century. Suyunbai aitys, tolgauy.Ауызша
3Creativity of poets Mailykozha, Shozhe, Kempirbay, Orynbay, etc.Ауызша
4Poetry of sala-seri of the XIX century. Akan seri Koramsauli. Segiz seri.Ауызша
5Birzhan sal Kozhagululy, Sarah Tastanbekkyzy. Asset Naimanbayuly. Life and poetic creativity.Ауызша
6Resistance to Kokand oppression in the literature of the XIX century.Ауызша
7The creative heritage of Ondasynuly Bazaar, Budabai Kabyluly.test
8Traditional poetic poetry. D. Babatayuly.Ауызша
9Makhambet Utemisuly and traditional Zhyrau poetry. Sherniyaz Zharylgasuly.Ауызша
10Literary heritage of Shortanbai Kanayuly. The poetic legacy of Murat Monkeula.Ауызша
11New written literature of the nineteenth century. Creativity of Shokan Ualikhanov.Ауызша
12Educational activities, literary heritage of Ibrai Altynsarin.Ауызша
13Abai is a classic of the new Kazakh written literature.Ауызша
14Genre facets of Abai's poetry. The construction of a poem. Expression of the wordАуызша
15Around the poet Abai. Students of the poet Abai Akylbai Abayuly. The life of Magauia Abaula. Creation.test
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Ергөбек С. Дәстүрлі жазба әдебиет. Оқу құралы. Түркістан, 2016.
22. Ергөбек С. Дәстүрлі жазба әдебиет және Алтын Орда әдеби ескерткіштері. Оқу құралы. Түркістан, 2019.