Basic Military Training
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KAT / KAT 4 3 3 3 Military history of Kazakhstan Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 5
Course Descriptions
Assanov Almazkhan Shakenovich

The subject of the military history of Kazakhstan is studied by the military art of the Kazakh batyrs, who made an outstanding contribution to the development of the Kazakh military art since the formation of the Kazakh Khanate in the middle of the 15th century. They will also talk about the creation of the Kazakh National Branch, established on the territory of Kazakhstan during the Civil War, where Kazakhs actively participated, about the exploits of the Kazakh national units in World War II.



Group work, blitz-questions, method of development training, method of improving professional skills, modular training technology.
1- use of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the educational process, taking into account the needs of students on their own; - combine theoretical knowledge in the military field with practice, organizes combat and tactical training; - uses analysis and evaluation of theoretical knowledge together with the group (LO6).
2- determination of the content and patterns of development of modern weapons; - demonstrates the main stages of development of conventional and modern weapons; - knows the specifics of using military weapons in practice (LO10).
3- use of the material and technical potential and the level of work of the military -technical circle and civil defense; - demonstrates the organization of tactical training of troops on the battlefield; - represents the forms of conducting military musical and Patriotic education (LO11).
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Dwelling places of Sakas. Saka weapons, military art and victory over Cyrus the Persian king (529 BC).Ауызша және жазбашаЖазбашаАуызшаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
2War of Sakas with Alexander the Great (330-328 BC).Ауызша және жазбашаЖазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
3The development of military art in the Hun Empire and their campaigns. Military structure and art of war of the Turkish Empire (VI-VIII centuries).Ауызша және жазбашаЖазбашаАуызшаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
4Turgesh Khaganate and his victory over the Chinese army in the Battle of Talas (751 AD).Ауызша және жазбашаЖазбашаАуызшаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
5The Mongolian state and its armed forces and the art of war.Ауызша және жазбашаЖазбашаАуызшаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
6Campaign of Mongol-Turks to Europe. Timurlan's army and its art of war.Ауызша және жазбашаЖазбашаАуызшаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
7Creation and formation of the Kazakh khanate.Ауызша және жазбашаЖазбашаАуызшаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
8General military duties and the development of military art in the Kazakh Khanate (from the second half of the 15th century to the 1st half of the 18th century).Ауызша және жазбашаЖазбашаАуызшаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
9Brief history of the Kazakh-Dzungar war.Ауызша және жазбашаЖазбашаАуызшаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
10A radical turning point in the Kazakh-Kalmak war and the Battle of Anyrakai (1730AD)Ауызша және жазбашаЖазбашаАуызшаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
11Kazakh military units created by Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Republic.Ауызша және жазбашаЖазбашаАуызшаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
12National units of the Red Army established under the Kazakh regional military commissariat.Ауызша және жазбашаЖазбашаАуызшаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
13Teams that started the march from Moscow. Kazakh national teams defending Moscow.Ауызша және жазбашаЖазбашаАуызшаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
14The heroic path of the Kazakh national teams that defended the city of LeningradАуызша және жазбашаЖазбашаАуызшаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
15Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Ауызша және жазбашаЖазбашаАуызшаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. History of military art. Educational tool. M. Auezov, OKSU publication. Shymkent, 2020. A.K. Demeuov
22. History of Kazakh firearms. Monograph. Tome. Astana, 2016. K. Akhmetzhan