Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
Kar 4366 Cardiology төртінші курс 3 90 0 19 0
Course Descriptions
Russian, Kazakh
C.m.s. Dauletova Meruyert Dayrabaevna

The discipline ensures the structure, function of the heart and blood vessels, the causes and development of their diseases, symptoms and diagnosis, treatment, prevention with proper and effective patient-centered care. During the course, the student masters the implementation of treatment principles based on scientific data and improving the quality of medical care. Uses modern scientific achievements in the field of health care in the educational process.

Effective feedback, participation in rounds, analysis of thematic patients, курацияpatient supervision, training in small groups (SGL, small group learning), interpretation of laboratory and instrumental research indicators, training based on problems/tasks (TaskBL, task-based learning) and on cases (CBL, case- based learning), solving clinical tasks for mastering competence, role-playing games.

1DLR 1- Using the acquired knowledge and skills, can diagnose and diagnose diseases, draw up a rational plan for treatment and prevention.
2DLR 2- Respects the health care needs, cultures, and differences of patients and communities while supporting ongoing personal and professional growth using current scientific advances, self-esteem, and continuous improvement in quality of care through lifelong learning.
3DLR 3 - Optimizes clinical decision making and research, evaluates patient outcomes, and is able to implement treatment principles based on scientific evidence.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Coronary syndrome. Atherosclerosis. Angina pectoris. Classification issues. Etiological factors. Pathogenesis. ECG - signs of angina pectoris. Differential diagnosis. Principles of therapy based on evidence-based medicine.Сұрақ-жауапtest
2Coronary syndrome. Atherosclerosis. Angina pectoris. Classification issues. Etiological factors. Pathogenesis. ECG - signs of angina pectoris. Differential diagnosis. Principles of therapy based on evidence-based medicine.Сұрақ-жауапtest
3Arterial hypertension syndrome. Classification of arterial hypertension. Criteria for stratification of arterial hypertension. Risk stratification for arterial hypertension. Syndrome of symptomatic arterial hypertension. Differential diagnosis. Treatment tactics, criteria for the effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy.Сұрақ-жауапtest
4Rhythm disorder syndrome. Types of arrhythmias. Main reasons. Clinical and ECG signs of extrasystole, atrial fibrillation. Classification of antiarrhythmic drugs. Differential diagnosis. Therapeutic measures.Сұрақ-жауапtest
5Rhythm disorder syndrome. Types of arrhythmias. Main reasons. Clinical and ECG signs of extrasystole, atrial fibrillation. Classification of antiarrhythmic drugs. Differential diagnosis. Therapeutic measuresСұрақ-жауапtest
6Circulatory failure syndrome. Clinical signs of circulatory failure. Classification by functional classes, stages. Differential diagnosis. Principles of therapy. Indications for the use of cardiac glycosides.
7Cardiomyopathies. Myocarditis. Endocarditis. Pericarditis. Classification. Etiology, pathogenesis. Clinical symptoms. Diagnostic methods. Principles of treatment.Сұрақ-жауапtest
8Congenital defects of the heart and large vessels. Classification. Clinical symptoms. Diagnostic methods. Types of treatment.Сұрақ-жауапtest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Işki awrwlar. 1 tom. Oqwlıq. M: GEOTAR-Medïa 2015j. Red. bas: V.S.Moïseev, A.Ï.Martınov, N.A.Mwxïn. Jalpı red. bas. R.S.Dosmağambetova. Işki awrwlar: 'Kardïologïya' modwli: qazaq jäne orıs tilinde oqwlıq = Vnwtrennïe boleznï: modwl 'Kardïologïya': wçebnïk na kazaxskom ï rwsskom yazıkax. Lïterra 2016j. L.K.Badïna, N.G.Malyuçenko, F.W.Nïldïbaeva, G.G.Ospanova. Işki awrwlar. 2 tom. Oqwlıq. M: GEOTAR-Medïa 2015j. Red. bas: V.S.Moïseev, A.Ï.Martınov, N.A.Mwxïn. Jalpı red. basq.: R.S.Dosmağambetova. Jawaptı red.: D.J.Tayjanova. Kardïologïya boyınşa klïnïkalıq jağdaylar. Oqw quralı. Turan 2020j. Tölepbergenova B.K., Dawletova M.D. Jalpı täjirïbelik däriger jumısındağı élektrokardïografïya. Oqw quralı. 2023j. Dyuswpova A.A. Jürek-qantamırlar jüyesi modwldi ïntegracïyalanğan. Oqw quralı. 2023j. Süleymenova F.M.