Philology: Kazakh Philology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KAGXGІ 4226 20th century in the Kazakh Literary Science II төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Ph.D., associate professor Tolysbaeva. A.

 II world war, its role in literature, humanism, creativity of war in fiction; the theme of labor during the restoration of the national economy;
analyzes, develops information about the decisions and regulations of the last years of the war, their consequences for literature; 

Іn detail, deeply
recognizes the historical and social situation of the Kazakh people in the last years of the war of the twentieth century, therefore, developed literature.

 20th century in the Kazakh literary science I

 1. Narrative
 2 Exchange of views
 3. Problem methods
 4. Debate
  5. Professional skills training

11. Knows the nature of the development of modern Kazakh literature;
22. Understands artistic innovation in Kazakh prose;
33. Knows and analyzes the types and genres of Kazakh prose;
44. Knows the formation, development, development of Kazakh historical prose;
55. Analyzes thematic problematic searches in the Kazakh poem, makes conclusions;
66. Knows the values of modern Kazakh literature, understands its place and value in the research system of Sciences, analyzes the history and current state of development;
77. ' XX Century II / 1960-1990 in Kazakh literary studies reviews the study of the history of Kazakh literature, uses a literary review;
88. Analyzes the features of modern Kazakh poetry and prose;
91. Knows the historical significance of Kazakh drama, lyrical, epic, historical types;
101. Knows and differentiates the features of the development of Kazakh literary science and criticism;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Lecture: Introduction. Thematic, ideological, genre development of Kazakh literature during the Great Patriotic War.Ауызша
2Lecture: The development of literary studies during the Great Patriotic War. Decrees - resolutions on literature and art.Ауызша
3The front in the poetry of Zhumagali Sain, the art of battle scenes, the image of a warrior. Poems.Ауызша
4Zh. Zhabayev's creativity. The first stage of Zhambyl's creativity and poet's aitys.Ауызша
5Creative biography of I. Baizakov. Baizakov is an improvisational poet.Ауызша
6Creativity of M. Auezov. First articles, problems.test
7Research works of M. Auezov in the field of oral literature, literary history.Ауызша
8Creativity of S. Mukanov. Poem 'Sulushash'. Artistic.Ауызша
9Works of S. Mukanov in the study of literary criticism and history.Ауызша
10G. Musrepov's work. The first stories. The works' One video that did not meet',' Ulpan',' Kazakh batyr'.Ауызша
11G. Mustafin's work. The first stories. Works of the writer in the field of a large epic genre.Ауызша
12Creativity of G. Ormanov. Lyric poems. The skill of the poet.Ауызша
13The first poems of T. Zharokov. Epic voluminous works of the poet. Poems.test
14Lecture: Creative biography of H. Yesenzhanov. Novels. The novel 'White Ural', 'Many years later', 'The Zhunusov Brothers'.Ауызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Тоқсамбаева А. Ұлы Отан соғысы және соғыстан кейінгі қазақ әдебиеті(1941-1960). Оқулық, Семей, 2014, «Интеллект». –314 бет.
22. Тоқсамбаева А. 1940-1960 жылдардағы қазақ әдебиеті (оқу құралы). Кітап- Семей, 2016
33. Қазақ әдебиетінің қысқаша тарихы. 2- кітап.А., «Қазақ университеті» 2014, –455бет.
44. Жанғара Дәдебаев. Қазіргі қазақ әдебиеті. А.,«Қазақуниверситеті», 2015.– 311 бет.
55. Исаева Ж. Креативті педагогика. оқу құралы. Түркістан, 2018, 300 б
66. Камалқызы Ж. Қазақ әдебиетінің теориялық және әдістемелік мәселелері (эпикалық шығармалар). Алматы: Бастау, 2017
77. Қ. Ергөбек. Түркістан жинағы. Тұран-Түркістан, 2016