Philology: Kazakh Philology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
КАЕHD 2214 Ancient and Khan Period of Kazakh Literature Екінші курс 3 90 1 3 0
Course Descriptions
Philology Dr, Associate Professor М.Alipkhan

The study of ancient poetry and the poetry of Zhyrau is a wonderful artistic phenomenon of the literature of the people, formed and developed over centuries. It is necessary to make comparisons with ancient poetry and the poetry of Zhyrau develop skills to work with the results of a detailed study.  In the process of demonstrating the importance of the profession, they will be able to apply the legacy of the ancient and the Khan period in practice.

The themes of the ancient and khan era of Kazakh literature represent our unique literary and spiritual heritage up to the XIX century in thematic-ideological, cognitive, genre-artistic aspects.

XX century I in Kazakh literary studies

Introduction to the science of Kazakh literary studies, Kazakh folk oral literature.     

1. narrative,
2. exchange of opinions,
3. debate,
4. problematic methods,
5. training in professional skills.

11. Determines the content, types, laws, principles, technologies of scientific research work;
22. Acquires basic knowledge related to the field of philology when organizing research work;
33. Uses in practice the methods and principles of researching ancient and khan literature;
44. Able to apply knowledge of fundamental laws and theories of literature in scientific research;
55. Determines the patterns and content of the development of literature;
66. Masters the main stages of the literary process of classical and Modern times;
77. Forms general knowledge and skills about the ancient and khan era, demonstrates professional skills of a literary critic.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1About the periodization of the history of Kazakh literature The history of Kazakh literature.Ауызша
2Orkhon and Yenisei written monuments, their literary character, thematic and ideological content.Ауызша
3Korkyt. “The Book of Korkyt Ata”, literary and historical character, thematic and ideological content.Ауызша
4“Ogyzname” (epic “Ogyz-Kagan”), literary and historical character, cognitive essence.Ауызша
5Abunasyr Al-Farabi is a great scientist, writer, poet (870-950).Ауызша
6Personality of Zh. Balasagun. Versions, translation and study of the epic “Kutadgu bilik” (“Kutty bilik”).Ауызша
7Thematic and ideological content, cognitive depth of the epic “Kutty Bilik”.Жазбаша
8“Collection of Turkish words” by M. Kashkari. A. Yugineki. The Epic of the Gift of Truth (“Khibatul Hakayik”), versions, translations and research, thematic and ideological content.Ауызша
9The work of A. Yasawi “The Book of Reason” (“Diwani Hikmat”). “The Book of Bakyrgani” by S. Bakyrgani.Ауызша
10Works “Rabguzi kissalary”, “Codex Cumanikus”, “Mukhabbatname”.Ауызша
11Kutb. The Khusrau-Shirin epic. Sayf Saray “Gulstan Turkish”(“Gulstan bit-Turks”). Historical genealogical books.Ауызша
12Features of Kazakh literature of the XV-XVIII centuries. Asan Kaigi, Kaztugan, Dospambet zhyrau.Ауызша
13Shalkiiz, Margaska, Zhiembet zhyrau.Ауызша
14Aktamberdy, Tatikara, Umbetey, Bukhara zhyrau.Ауызша
15Creativity of poets Kotesh, Shal.Жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Тоқсамбаева А.О. Қазақ хандығы дәуіріндегі әдебиет. Оқу құралы. 2015.
22. Мәмбетов К. Қазақ хандығы дәуіріндегі ақын-жыраулар поэзиясы. Оқу құралы. 2015.
33. Ергөбек С. Дәстүрлі жазба әдебиет және алтын орда әдеби ескерткіштері. Оқу құралы. 2019.
41. Еңсегенұлы Т. Көне түркі руна жазба поэзиясы. Алтай, Талас жазбалары: Уақыт пен кеңістіктегі көне түркі іздері. Монография.2014.
52. Ергөбек С. Ясауи және қазақ әдебиеті: дәстүр және жалғастық. Монография. 2019.
6. Еңсегенұлы Т. Көне түркі руна жазба поэзиясы: Ырғ бітіг кітабы және қазақ, шығыс даналығы