Computer Science, ICT and Robotic Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ITN 1268 Theoretical Bases of Informatics Бірінші курс 5 150 15 30
Course Descriptions
candidate of technical sc., associate professor A.Tolep

The purpose of the subject: to introduce students to a set of fundamental concepts of informatics, the general principles of obtaining, processing and using information, the principles of organizing information processes in technical and social systems, methods of creating and using information models; formation of a point of view on the directions of fundamental scientific research in the field of theoretical informatics.

Methods of Teaching in Informatics

critical thinking, brainstorming, exchange of views, discussion, problem methods.

1knows the methods of converting analog and discrete forms of information representation
2can translate numbers from one number system to another and perform arithmetic operations in different number systems
3knows the logical foundations of a computer
4knows the basic ways to represent different types of information on a computer
5knows the properties of algorithms and how to write algorithms
6can determine the complexity function of the algorithm
7can measure the amount of information in a message using alphabetical and probabilistic methods
8learns the basic algorithms and methods of building codes
9can create logic circuits and simplify them
10knows the basic ways to represent numbers in computer memory
11can execute programs written for the Post machine, Turing machine and normal Markov algorithms
12has the skills to work with algorithms for searching and sorting elements in arrays
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The concept of information. A signal, a sign, a symbol. The source of information and the channel of information transmission. Types of information presentation. Information properties.
2A measure of information. The concept of entropy. Properties of entropy. Conditional entropy. Information and alphabet. The unit of measurement of information.
3Setting the encoding problem. Shannon's first theorem. Methods of constructing binary codes.
4Number systems. Arithmetic operations in positional number systems.
5Encoding of symbolic information. Encoding of graphic and audio information.
6Logic and computer. Logical operations. The laws of algebra of logic. Logical functions and logical expressions.
7The logical elements of the computer. Binary adders.
8Representation of numbers on the computer. Representation of numbers with fixed and floating point. Representation of negative numbers.
9Direct, reverse and additional code numbers. Algorithm of performing arithmetic operations on binary adders.
10Concept of algorithm. Executive algorithm. Properties of algorithms. The method of writing is an algorithm (oral, graphic, software, etc.).
11Formalization of the concept of an algorithm. Formalization of the concept of 'algorithm' using Turing and Post machines.
12Normal Markov algorithms.
13Algorithmically unsolvable problems. Efficiency and complexity of algorithms. Comparison of the effectiveness of different algorithms.
14Analysis of search and selection algorithms.
15Analysis of sorting algorithms
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1I. Orazov, B. Alikhanova, A. Sharipbai. Mathematical foundations of computer science. Educational tool. -Shymkent: Alem, 2020, -192 p.
2K. A. Iskakova. Theory of algorithms. Educational tool. -Almaty: Almanakh, 2021. 3. A. J. Seiketov, G. A. Mirzakhmedova, D. R. Rakhimova. Algorithms and data structures. Educational tool. -Almaty, 2017.
3A. J. Seiketov, G. A. Mirzakhmedova, D. R. Rakhimova. Algorithms and data structures. Educational tool. -Almaty, 2017.
4O.S. Akhmetova. Computer science. Educational methodical complex. - Almaty, 2022.
5Asambaev A.Zh. Theoretical foundations of computer science. Practicum: Educational tool. Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute. -Pavlodar, 2014.
6Starichenko B.E. Theoretical fundamentals of computer science: Textbook for universities. - 3rd research. - M.: Goryachaya liniya -Telecom, 2016. -400 p