Electrical Power Engineering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
IMIEMT 32103 Heat Engineering And Fundamentals Of Heat Power Engineering Бірінші курс 3 90 1 1 1
Course Descriptions

The purpose of the subject is to consider ways of using energy in industrial and heat-technological production, heat energy systems of the main branches of the country's economy, classification of centralized heat supply systems, classification of heat energy installations, working principles and energy characteristics of heat energy installations. It teaches the principles of using energy resources of heat technical productions, creating heat supply regimes and schedules.

Electrical devices and measuring equipment, Power stations.

Introduction to the specialty, Electrotechnical materials science.

Group work, brainstorming, narration, developmental teaching methods, creative teaching methods.

1Knows the laws and basic concepts of thermodynamics.
2Formulates the problems of heat engineering and thermal energy.
3Knows the classification of thermal power plants.
4Conducts practical calculations with thermal power plants.
5Selects heat-technical equipment for various purposes.
6Participates in the development of methods for testing technological systems and equipment.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. Laws of thermodynamics and the main concept.
2The first law of thermodynamics. An addition to the first law of thermodynamics in thermodynamic processes.
3The second law of thermodynamics. Pressing process with a press machine.
4Cycles of internal combustion engines.
5Water vapor. Humid air.
6Thermal conductivity.
7Radiant heat exchange. Complex heat exchange.
8Convective heat exchange. Convective heat exchange (heat transfer) equation.
9CHP main scheme. CHP management and electrical systems.
10General description of Urdu and basic definitions.
11Indicators of the intensity of technological processes.
12Automatic regulation of the boiler and its safety rules.
13Main types of heat exchangers.
14Structure and forecasts of industrial heat energy.
15Understanding fuel.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Аллан Р. Х. Электрлік энергетика инженериясы: принциптері мен қосымшалар. Оқулық. - Алматы : Дәуір, 2017. - 548 с
2Касимбекова К.А. Салалық материалтану және конструкциялық материалдар технологиясы. Оқу-әдістемелік құрал. - Түркістан: Тұран, 2020. - 120 с.
3Хожин Г. Электр станциялары мен қосалқы станциялар: Оқулық. Алматы: ҚР ЖОО қауымдастығы, 2014.