Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
IM 4220 Islamic Mazhabs төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 -
Course Descriptions
Ussainova Akmonshak Nurlanovna

Purpose: knowledge and demonstration of the origin and causes of Islamic madhhabs in the history of Islam, the features of their main characteristics. The formation of knowledge about the ideological, legal and political movements and their problems, the clash between imams and jurists, and a review of religious literature on the written culture of the mazhabs.



Group work, group project work method, project work method, professional skill improvement method.

1understands the main concepts related to the history of madhhabs
2to have basic information about the history of birth, formation and development of madhhabs.
3acquires information about the birth of the history of madhhabs, the place and development of theology in the system of sciences
4knowledge about the types of madhhabs develops
5learns the history and types of madhhabs and the reasons for their emergence
6learns the problems related to the emerging madhhabs and the reasons for their emergence
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The subject of Islamic sectsАуызша
2Reasons for the emergence of sectsАуызша
3External sectАуызша
4Murjiyya, Cebriye and Mutazila sectsАуызша
5Ashabu Ray and Kalam sectsАуызша
6Ashari secttest
7Maturidi sectЖазбаша
8Origin and development of ShiismАуызша
9Zaydia, Ismaili ShiismАуызша
10Imamiya ShiismАуызша
11Nusayri, Druze and Yazidi sectsАуызша
12Nusayri sectАуызша
13Ahmadiyya and Babi BahaiАуызша
14The emergence of new religious movements within the Wahhabi and New Salafi approachestest
15The emergence of new religious movements within the Wahhabi and New Salafi approachesЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1The emergence of new religious movements within the Wahhabi and New Salafi approaches
2History of political, kalamic and jurisprudential sects, textbook, -Almaty 2016, A. Satybaldieva
3Abu Hanifa and the Hanafi sect, A. Adilbayev. - Almaty: Kokjiek, 2014