Chemistry Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
IGNX 5211 Selected Chapters of Inorganic Chemistry Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 -
Course Descriptions
Assoc.Prof. G. N.Zhylysbayeva

The purpose of the discipline is to familiarize with the current state, trends in inorganic chemistry and prospects for its development, applied aspects of the use of inorganic substances and modern technological problems. The course content is aimed at a deeper examination of the main chapters of inorganic chemistry, analysis and interpretation of the reliability and value of data obtained within the framework of modern concepts and theories in the field of chemistry. They will learn how to process experimental data of independently conducted research using modern methods using statistical methods.



1. Critical thinking

2. Brainstorming

3. Methodology of step-by-step training

11. Selected chapters of inorganic chemistry discuss education based on the competence-based results of the discipline, with the formation of new thinking and action skills
2improves pedagogical skills using problem-based learning technologies, developmental learning and case studies, forms skills for determining the current state of the periodic law and mechanisms of atomic structure, formation of chemical bonds, compares electronic shifts in compounds with simple and multiple bonds, identifies the possibilities of variable states of the chemical process, resonant reaction structures, static and dynamic factors It shows.
3Summarizes the data obtained within the framework of modern concepts and theories of inorganic chemistry, creates tasks, compares, identifies reaction products
4Critically evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of information on the synthesis of inorganic compounds, shows effective synthesis methods.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Atomic and molecular science. The periodic law in the environment of chemical elements. Internal periodicityпрезентация
2Orbitals in a multielectron atom.test
3An electronic anomaly. Multi-energy levels of electronic atoms and their comparison with experimental dataБиблиография
4The geometric structure of the molecule. The theory of repulsion of electronic pairsСұрақ-жауап
5The modern concept of the nature of chemical bonds in complex compoundsАуызша
6The geometric structure and coordination number of the molecule. ChelatesЖазбаша
7Kinetics of inorganic chemistryАуызша және жазбаша
8Binary chemical compounds and their propertiesпрезентация
9Theory of complex formation, flexibility of halogenites in the formation of cationic and anionic speciestest
10Chemistry of nonmetals. Solving problems on the topic of galegens, sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorusАуызша және жазбаша
11Chemistry of metals. Methods of production and properties of metalsАуызша
12Synthesis and purification of inorganic substancesЖазбаша
13Fundamentals of the development of inorganic chemistrytest
14Inorganic polymers-their application in the national economy.Сұрақ-жауап
15Natural mineral raw materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Nurseıitov Sh.Sh., Baımaǵanbetov Q.B.Beıorganıkalyq hımıa. Oqý quraly. Almaty, 2014. - 188 s.
2Nurahmetov N.N.Beıorganıkalyq hımıanyń teorıalary men zańdylyqtary. Oqý quraly. Almaty, 2016.
3Glınka N.L., Babkına S.S.Obshaıa hımıa. Ýchebnık. Almaty, 2015. T.1, 164s.
4Nurdillaeva R.N, Jylysbaeva G.N. Beıorganıkalyq hımıa laboratorıalyq praktıkýmy. Oqý-ádist.qural. Shymkent, 2014.
5Rysqalıeva R.T. Beıorganıkalyq hımıa: oqý ádistemelik quraly. Almaty. Qazýn-ti. 2017.
6O.I Ponomarenko, L.K.Beısembaeva, M.A.Lameko Neorganıcheskaıa hımıa.: ýcheb.-met.posobıe, 2016.
7Myrzahmetova N.O. Beıorganıkalyq hımıa praktıkýmy. Oqý quraly. - Almaty: Qazmemqyzpý. 2015.
8Pirálıev S.J., Býtın B.M., Erjanov Q.B., Baınazarova G.M. Jaılaý S.J. Jalpy hımıa. Obshaıa hımıa. II tom: Oqýlyq. Almaty. - 459 b, 2015.
9Bobkov A.V., Popkov V.A. Obshaıa neorganıcheskaıa ı organıcheskaıa hımıa. M.: OOO 'Izdatelstvo 'Medısınskoe ınformasıonnoe agent