Economics. Program
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
IE 6314 Innovative economy 4.0 Екінші курс 6 180 2 2 0
Course Descriptions
Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh

The purpose of the discipline is to study the features, criteria and indicators of the development of the innovative economy, the strategy of innovative behavior and the preparation of innovative business plans that provide a competitive advantage of a modern enterprise. As a result of mastering the discipline, the skills of professional activity are formed with the determination of trends in economic development, the development of economic proposals, making effective decisions when studying problems and managing innovations in the economy.

Applied Economics

Solving scientific problems, brainstorming, dialogue creation, communicative method, thematic research.

1Can form decision-making skills related to the formulation, preparation, organization and planning of economic proposals by analyzing innovative processes in the economy and problems in innovative activities.
2Analyzing the innovative environment, which allows to ensure the competitive advantages of the enterprise, acquires the skills of creating innovative enterprises and establishing communication between new management mechanisms.
3In the process of organizing innovative activities and innovative projects, they make effective decisions in research and master decision-making skills in professional activities, identifying the main trends of economic development.
4Learns the ability to show, check, identify, test and discuss the relationship of economic indicators while evaluating innovative services, innovative products and markets.
5Acquires the ability to make effective decisions in the study of the factors and financing problems in innovative activities, and to summarize by identifying the main trends.
6Possesses effective decision-making skills in the study of global problems in the national and world economy in the organization and discussion of innovative design activities
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Basic concepts of innovative development. Introduction to Innovation Theory
2Models of innovative processes
3Innovative environment as the most important condition for effective innovation
4External environment of innovative development
5Internal innovation environment
6Evaluation of the efficiency and cost of the innovative project
7Risk analysis of an innovative project
8Presentation of the innovative project
9Market analysis of innovative products
10Customer development
11Product development
12Introducing innovative products to the market
13Human factor in innovative business
14Intellectual property of the innovative company
15Organization of financing of innovative activities
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Myrzaliev B.S., Dysegaliev M.Zh., Dysegalieva B.M. Fundamentals of innovative economy\\ Textbook, Atyrau
2Kaltaeva S.A., Samalikova A.M. Innovative economy - Turkestan, 2020 - 144 pages.
3Myrzaliev B.S., Idris S.S., Amaniyazova G.D. Fundamentals of investment and organization of innovation. Educational tool. - Almaty: Nurly video, 2020. - 344 p.