General Medicine
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
IA 4301 Internal Disease төртінші курс 13 390 25 0 0
Course Descriptions
Russian, Kazakh
Alimbekova Laila Tasovna, Moldabek Gulnar Konyrbaevna, Mamutova Arzu Eskuatovna, Dauletova Meruert Dayrabaevna, Abdiramasheva Kanagat Skakovna, Izzatullaeva Gulmira Aitmetovna, Suramisova Aigul Tursynbekovna, Azimkhanova Gulvira Korkemovna, Geyaseddin Shukru Dumlu, Nurmanova Nurgul Zhumakhanovna

Internal diseases study the etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinical manifestations, syndromic diagnostics and research methods to confirm the diagnosis of internal organs. This subject teaches treatment principles from the perspective of evidence-based medicine. As well as internal diseases studies the criteria for recovery, outcomes and prevention.





effective feedback, participation in rounds, analysis of thematic patients, курацияpatient supervision, training in small groups (SGL, small group learning), interpretation of laboratory and instrumental research indicators, training based on problems/tasks (TaskBL, task-based learning) and on cases (CBL, case- based learning), solving clinical tasks for mastering competence, role-playing games.

1DLR 1- Using this knowledge, he can perform a central clinical assessment of the patient and create a management plan.
2DLR 2- Optimizes clinical decision making for patients and may document and present medical examination information in written and electronic form to ensure patient safety and confidentiality.
3DLR 3- For the purpose of professional development, he constantly improves his qualifications in accordance with his professional activities through regular training.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Coronary syndrome. Atherosclerosis. Angina pectoris. Myocardial infarction. Classification issues. Etiological factors. Pathogenesis. ECG – signs of angina and myocardial infarction. Differential diagnosis. Principles of therapy based on evidence-based medicine.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
2Arterial hypertension syndrome. Classification of arterial hypertension. Criteria for stratification of arterial hypertension. Risk stratification in arterial hypertension. The syndrome of symptomatic arterial hypertension. Differential diagnosis. Treatment tactics, criteria for the effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
3Rhythm disorder syndrome. Types of arrhythmias. The main reasons. Clinical and ECG signs of extrasystole, atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia. Violation of conductivity. Classification of antiarrhythmic drugs. Differential diagnosis. Therapeutic measures.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
4Circulatory failure syndrome. Clinical signs of circulatory failure. Classification by functional classes and stages. Differential diagnosis. Principles of therapy. Indications for the use of cardiac glycosides.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
5Inflammatory lung infiltration syndrome. Pneumonia. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical manifestations depending on the type and etiology of pneumonia. Differential diagnosis. Principles of rational antibiotic therapy. Recovery criteria. Prevention.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
6Bronchial obstruction syndrome. Бронхиты Acute and chronic bronchitis. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Bronchial asthma. Bronchectatic disease. Etiology. Scheme of pathogenesis. Clinical signs. Differential diagnosis. Principles of therapy. Prevention.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
7Pulmonary abscess. Etiology. Clinical manifestations, differential diagnosis, treatment principles.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
8Respiratory failure syndrome. Chronic pulmonary heart disease. Classification. Causes of pulmonary hypertension. Clinical and diagnostic criteria for respiratory failure. Modern approaches to therapy.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
9Gastric dyspepsia syndrome. Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Chronic gastritis. Peptic ulcer disease. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical manifestations. Differential diagnosis. Principles of antacid and eradication therapy.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
10Intestinal dyspepsia syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome. Classification. Reasons. Clinical manifestations. The concept of enzymatic digestive insufficiency. Differential diagnosis. Principles of therapy.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
11Syndromes of biliary tract and pancreas damage. Cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia. Chronic pancreatitis. Classification. Clinical manifestations. Differential diagnosis. Principles of therapy.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
12Liver damage syndromes. Chronic hepatitis. Cirrhosis of the liver. Etiology. Classification. Clinical manifestations. Extrahepatic signs. Jaundice, portal hypertension, hypersplenism. Laboratory criteria for cytolysis, cholestasis, and hepatic cell failure. Differential diagnosis. Principles of therapy.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
13Viral hepatitis. HIV infection. AIDS. Etiology. Epidemiology. Risk groups. Pathogenesis. Classification. Clinic. Differential diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention. WHO program. Global strategy to combat HIV infection.Сұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
14Acute rheumatic fever. Valvular lesion syndrome. Heart defects. Prevalence. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinic. Complications. The concept of recurrent rheumatic fever, chronic rheumatic heart disease. Differential diagnosis. Principles of treatment and prevention.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
15Acute kidney injury. Etiological factors. Pathogenesis. Classification, clinical manifestations. Complications. Principles of modern therapy. Chronic kidney disease. Etiological factors. Stages and clinical manifestations. Differential diagnosis. Principles of modern therapy. Renal replacement therapy.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
16Joint syndrome. Osteoporosis. Rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis, Gout. Reactive arthritis. Causes of development. Classification. Clinical manifestations. Differential diagnosis. Principles of modern therapy.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
17Connective tissue lesion syndrome. Systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis. The concept. Causes of development. Classification, clinical manifestations. Differential diagnosis. Principles of modern therapy.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
18Connective tissue lesion syndrome. With cleroderma. Systemic vasculitis. The concept. Causes of development. Classification, clinical manifestations. Differential diagnosis. Principles of modern therapy.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
19Syndromes of the hypothalamic-pituitary system and adrenal glands. Itsenko-Cushing's disease and syndrome. Acromegaly. Prolactinoma. Болезнь Addison's Disease (CNN). Cohn's syndrome. Pheochromeocin. Classification, clinical manifestations. Differential diagnosis. Principles of modern therapy.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
20Thyroid damage syndrome. Hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism. Causes of development. Classification, clinical manifestations. Differential diagnosis. Principles of modern therapy.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
21Anemic syndrome. Iron deficiency anemia, B-12 deficiency, hypoaplastic anemia. Etiology, classification, and clinical manifestations. Differential diagnosis. Principles of modern therapy.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
22Urinary tract infections. Disuric, urinary syndrome. Acute and chronic pyelonephritis. Etiological factors. Pathogenesis. Classification, clinical manifestations. Complications. Differential diagnosis. Principles of modern therapy.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
23Syndromes Hypo- and hyperglycemia syndrome. Diabetes mellitus. Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Risk factors. Classification of diabetes mellitus. Compensation criteria. Complications. Differential diagnosis. Principles of modern therapy.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
24Hemorrhagic syndrome. Hemorrhagic diatheses. Causes of development. Classification. Types of bleeding. Clinic. Differential diagnosis. Principles treatment of hemophilia, hemorrhagic diathesis, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Forecast.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
25Organization of infectious services for patients. Flu and other acute respiratory infections. Etiology. Epidemiology. Influenza epidemics and pandemics. Pathogenesis. Classification. Clinic. Hypertoxic and hemorrhagic syndromes. Complications from respiratory organs and systems. Differential diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
26Organization of phthisiological service. Medical examination. Primary tuberculosis. Tuberculosis intoxication. Tuberculosis of the intrathoracic lymph nodes. Primary tuberculosis complex. Etiology. Epidemiology. Risk groups. Pathogenesis. Classification. Clinic. Differential diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
27Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis. Nonphrotic, Nephritic syndrome. Etiological factors. Pathogenesis. Classification, clinical manifestations. Differential diagnosis. Principles of modern therapy.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
28Hemoblastoses. Acute and chronic leukemias. Epidemiology. Classification, clinical manifestations. Differential diagnosis. Principles of therapy.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
29Salmonellosis, dysentery. Etiology. Epidemiology. Pathogenesis. Clinic. Bacterial carrier. Complications. Principles of treatment of localized and generalized forms of salmonellosis and dysentery. Differential diagnosis. Treatment of bacterial transmission. Prevention.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
30Extrapulmonary forms of tuberculosis. Etiology. Epidemiology. Pathogenesis. Classification. Clinic. Differential diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Nefrologia boiynşa klinikalyq senariler jiyntyğy. Oqu qūraly. Tūran 2019. Rahymberdiev D.S. Endokrinologianyñ semiotika negızderı. Oqu qūraly. Şymkent 2021j. Altynbekov M.A. Işkı aurular. 1 tom. Oqulyq. M: GEOTAR-Media 2015j. Red. bas: V.S.Moiseev, A.İ.Martynov, N.A.Muhin. Jalpy red. bas. R.S.Dosmağambetova. Işkı aurular: 'Kardiologia' modulı: qazaq jäne orys tılınde oqulyq = Vnutrennie bolezni: modül 'Kardiologia': uchebnik na kazahskom i ruskom iazykah. Literra 2016j. L.K.Badina, N.G.Malüchenko, F.U.Nildibaeva, G.G.Ospanova. Işkı aurular. 2 tom. Oqulyq. M: GEOTAR-Media 2015j. Red. bas: V.S.Moiseev, A.İ.Martynov, N.A.Muhin. Jalpy red. basq.: R.S.Dosmağambetova. Jauapty red.: D.J.Taijanova Işkı aurular: 'Pülmonologia' modulı: qazaq jäne orys tılınde oqulyq. = Vnutrennie bolezni: modül 'Pülmonologia': uchebnik na kazahskom i ruskom iazykah. Literra 2016j. A.M.Jusupova, A.M.Kim Işkı aurular: 'Gastroenterologia' modulı: qazaq jäne orys tılınde oqulyq = Vnutrennie bolezni: modül 'Gastroenterologia': uchebnik na kazahskom i ruskom iazykah. Literra 2016j. E.M.Larüşina, L.G.Turgunova, A.A.Kim, G.G.Ospanova. Kardiologia boiynşa klinikalyq jağdailar. Oqu qūraly. Tūran 2020j. Tölepbergenova B.K., Dauletova M.D. Jalpy täjıribelık därıger jūmysyndağy elektrokardiografia. Oqu qūraly. 2023j. Düsupova A.A. Jürek-qantamyrlar jüiesı modüldı integrasialanğan. Oqu qūraly. 2023j. Süleimenova F.M. Büirektıñ jedel zaqymdaluy. Oqu qūraly, 2023j. Qanatbaeva Ä.B. Glomerulalyq aurular. Oqu qūraly. 2023j. Qanatbaeva Ä.B. Işkı aurular 'Endokrinologia' modulı: qazaq jäne orys tılınde oqulyq = Vnutrennie bolezni: modül 'Endokrinologia': uchebnik na kazahskom i ruskom iazykah. Literra 2016j. N.V.Vasileva, D.T.Amirhanova, A.A.Serikbaeva, M.T.Abdrahmanova. Işkı aurular: 'Nefrologia' modulı: qazaq jäne orys tılınde oqulyq = Vnutrennie bolezni: modül 'Nefrologia': Uchebnik na kazahskom i ruskom iazykah. Literra 2016j. İ.V.Bacheva, L.G.Turgunova, N.S.Umbetalina, G.G.Ospanova. Nefrologia. Oqulyq. Ä.B.Qanatbaeva, Q.A.Qabulbaev. –M: Littera, 2016. Işkı aurular. Oqulyq. 1 bölım. Klinikalyq revmatologia. Karkabaeva A.D., Almaty 2022j. Revmatologiada qoldanylatyn därılık zattardyñ klinikalyq farmakologiasy. Oqu qūraly. R.E.Tuleutaeva, J.B.Baisugurov, A.R.Mahatova. Almaty 2022. Jalpy därıgerlık täjıribe jağdaiyndağy buyndyq sindrom. Oqu qūraly. 2023 j. İvanova R.L. İuvenildy revmotoidty artrittıñ diagnostikasy men emınıñ jañaşa qağidalary. Oqu qūraly. 2023 j. Qabieva S.M. Ftiziatria. Oqu qūraly. 2023 j. İgembaeva R.S. Ftiziatria, Oqulyq. S.İgembaeva, Evero. 2016j Jūqpaly aurular. Oqu qūraly. 2023 j. Düisenova A.Q Zoonozdy infeksialar. Oqu qūraly. 2023 j. A.Q.Düisenova Jūqpaly aurular. Oqu qūraly.'Evero' Almaty, 2014 j. A.Q.Düisenova Endokrinologia boiynşa klinikalyq senariler. Türkıstan 2022j. Moldabek G.Q Pülmonologia boiynşa klinikalyq senariler. Türkıstan 2022. Abdiramaşeva Q.S Gastroenterologia boiynşa klinikalyq senariler. Türkıstan 2022. Rahymberdiev D.S Tuberkulez boiynşa klinikalyq senariler jiyntyğy. Türkıstan, 2021j. İzzatullaeva G.A Tuberkulezdyñ ökpeden tys türlerı. Oqu qūraly. Türkıstan, 2018j. A.R.Omarova Däleldemelı medisina tūrğysynan gemotologialyq aurulardy anyqtau men emdeu algoritmderı. Oqytu-ädıstemelık qūral. 2023 j. Jūmadılova Z.K Kardiologiadağy sindromdy ajyratpaly diagnoz. Oqu-ädıstemelık qūraly. 2023 j. Beisenbekova J.A Gipertonialyq krizder. Oqu-ädıstemelık qūral. 2023 j. Alpysova A.R Arterialyq gipertenzia sindromy boiynşa ajyratpaly diagnoz. Oqu-ädıstemelık qūraly. 2023 j. Beisenbekova J.A Kardiologianyñ mañyzdy sūraqtary. Ädıstemelık qūral. 2023 j. Düsupova A.A Klinikalyq elektrokardiografia negızderı. Oqu-ädıstemelık qūral. 2023 j. Malüchenko N.G Kardiologianyñ mañyzdy sūraqtary. Ädıstemelık qūral. A.A.Düsupova, M.J.Espembetova, J.M.Jumanbaeva. Almaty, Evero, 2015 Gastroenterologia jäne endokrinologia sikldary boiynşaıskerlıkke arnalğan jetekşılık. Türkıstan 2014j. Saidenova M.A, Askarova S.S., Şarabitdinova G.G., Aitmetova G.A Anemialar boiynşa klinikalyq senariler. Tūran 2018j. Rahymberdiev D.S., Dauletova M.D Pülmonologianyñ mañyzdy sūraqtary. Oqu-ädıstemelık qūraly. 2023 j. Düsupova A.A Işkı aurular boiynşa obektivtendırılgen qūramdastyrylğan klinikalyq emtihan. Oqu-ädıstemelık qūral. Geotar-media 2016j. Ahmetov Q.J., Veklenko G.V Tuberkulez auruynyñ klinikasy, diagnostikasy, emı. Oqu-ädıstemelık qūral. Türkıstan, 2020j. İzzatullaeva G.A Jūqpaly aurulardağy negızgı sindromdar jäne simptomdar, Oqu-ädıstemelık qūral. 2015 j. G.A.Ötepbergenova, A.J.Täñırbergenova, A.A.Nurmaşeva