Religious Studies (2020)
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
HMKDD 3301 Kazakh religious tradition based on Hanafizm and Maturidizm Үшінші курс 6 180 1 2
Course Descriptions
Saifunov Bauyrzhan Nasyrdinuly

Purpose: the formation of an understanding of the characteristics of the Kazakh religious tradition based on the teachings of Hanafism and Mauridism for many centuries, their position, their religious views and the continuity of their Islamic positions. A religious study is given of the negative positions of radical religious groups and the positive positions of the teachings of Hanafism and Maturidism, contributing to the stability of modern society.


Qur'anic studies

Group work, critical thinking, brainstorming, teaching method development, storytelling, sharing ideas, discussion, problem-based methods.

11 - Knows the prerequisites, foundations and features of Hanafi, Maturidi knowledge, its role in Islamic teachings and schools.
22 - He can distinguish similarities and differences between Hanafi-Maturidi doctrine and Islamic currents.
33 - Can distinguish the basics and features of Hanafi-Maturidi doctrine, learns to make conclusions with his own thoughts.
44 - He learns to assess the place of Hanafi, Maturidi schools in Islamic teachings, to make conclusions.
55 - He learns the theological methods of the Hanafi-Maturidi school.
66 - learns the ways of Hanafi-Maturidi science to solve problems, learns to draw conclusions about problems.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction to the subject of Kazakh religious tradition on the basis of Hanafizm and MaturidizmАуызша
2Basics of the Hanafi-Maturidi doctrine and prerequisites for its formationАуызша
3Life and work of Abu Hanifaпрезентация
4The students of Abu Hanifa, the history of the formation and development of the Hanafi schoolАуызша және жазбаша
5Abu Hanifah as representative of the Ray schoolАуызша және жазбаша
6Theological views of Abu Hanifaпрезентация
7Formation of the teachings of Abu Mansur al-MaturidiЖазбаша
8The life and works of Imam al-MaturidiАуызша
9History of development of Maturidi schoolАуызша
10Maturidi's knowledge about knowledge and about the universeпрезентация
11God and divine attributes in Maturidi teachingАуызша және жазбаша
12The faith in Maturidi teachingАуызша және жазбаша
13Prophecy in Maturidi teachingпрезентация
14Human will, freedom and destiny iin the teaching of MaturidiЖазбашаСөздік
15The influence of Maturidi teaching on Kazakh thinkersЖазбашапрезентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Оnat H., Kutlu S., İslam Mezhepler Tarihi (El kitabı), Ankara 2015.
2Ebû Hanife İmâm-ı A’zam’ın beş eseri, ter. Öz M. – İstanbul, 2013.
3С. Абжалов, М. Мырзабеков, Қ. Р. Қаратышқанова. Ханафи-Матуриди мазхабы. Оқу құралы. - Түркістан : Мырза, 2019
4Аль-Матуриди Китаб ат-Таухид, пер Р.Адыгамов, Казань 2018
5Ержан Қ. Матуриди ақидасы – Әбу Ханифа ілімінің жалғасы, Алматы, 2014
6Матуриди теологиясы. Қазақ тіліне ауд-р: Д. Кенжетай, М. Мырзабеков, С. Абжалов. - Түркістан : Мырза, 2019
7Saifunov B., Türkistan’da Ehl-i Sünnet Anlayışının Gelişimi ve Ahmed Yesevî’nin Rolü”, Erciyes Üniversitesi, Kayseri 2022.
8С.Абжалов, Д.Кенжетаев, Ханафи құқық мектебі және қазақ діни танымы, монография, Түркістан -2020.