International Relations
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
HKT 3212 Theory of international relations Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
A.A.Amirbek, A.Saurbaev

The purpose of the discipline is to familiarize students with classical and modern theories of international relations, and widely used methods for the systematic analysis of international processes. This discipline allows you to master the basic concepts of the theory of international relations, the principles and directions of the development of the science of international relations, contributes to the acquisition of skills in analyzing international events necessary for further professional activity.

Foreign policy of Turkey

International organizations, fundamentals of geopolitics

Мethods of analysis, exchange of views, discussion, content and event analysis

1LO 1 -can form the properties of general professional competencies such as purposefulness, design, organizational, communicative, diagnostic, analytical, etc
2LO 2- develops critical thinking and continuous creativity in political and educational work
3LO 3- conducts diplomatic negotiations in relations between society and the professional environment, taking as a basis the psychological aspects of diplomatic activity
4LO 4- a specialist trained in international relations in higher educational institutions acquires the skills of conducting scientific and research work and can continue his studies in the magistracy, PhD doctoral studies in the field of international relations, һistory, рolitical science.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Analysis of the concepts of international relations, theory and paradigm. Patterns in international relations.Ауызша және жазбаша
2The national interest is the basis for the examination of international relations and foreign policy. Theory of realism.Ауызша және жазбаша
3Analysis of international relations from the point of view of ethics and morality. Theory of idealism.Жазбаша
4Analysis of international relations from the point of view of Marxist theory. The theory is based on the natural evolution of relations between states.презентация
5Geopolitical theories of makinder, spike, Mahan, and Rannyr.Жазбаша
6Analysis of international relations from the point of view of the theories of neorealism, neo-marxism and neoliberalism.Ауызша және жазбаша
7Kaplan's international system, Wallerstein's world system and game theories.Ауызша және жазбашаБиблиография
8Critical, feminism and postmodern theoriesАуызша
9Z. Brzezinski: the Great chessboard and strategic prediction.Ауызша
10Fukuyama: the end of history and the concept of the last man.Ауызша
11Huntington: clash of cultures theory.Ауызша
12F. Starr: extended Central Asia and Dugin's findings.Ауызша
13Analysis of international processes.Ауызша және жазбаша
14Political forecastingпрезентация
15Actual problems of the comparative approach of political researchСұрақ-жауап
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1L. M. Ivatova, A. S. Kaidarova, A. T. Mukhitdenova. Theory of International Relations, textbook, 2019
2L. K. Torbjorn, translated into Kazakh. N. Saibekova, Zh. Buribayeva. History of the theory of international relations. Monograph. Almaty: Era, 2017
3D.M.Mazhidenova, K. G.Sheryazdanova. Theory of international relations. Oku kuraly, 2019.
4I.A.Chernykh. Theory of international relations. A study guide. Almaty, 2019
5A.G.Dugin. Geopolitics and International Relations. Vol. 1, Monograph, Moscow: Eurasian Movement, 2012.
6Introduction to the theory of international relations./Edited by A.S.Manykin.-M., 2014