International Relations. Program
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
HKOT 6308 Game Theory in International Relations Екінші курс 6 180 2 2 0
Course Descriptions

This course aims to provide a critical assessment of game theory and develop the ability to apply it to the analysis of international problems and situations. As a result of studying the subject, undergraduates consider the following issues: basic definitions, tools and methods. Game theories, developing the ability to analyze a game model in the field of international relations, solving social and professional problems, using these methods, preparing expert analytical works


Theories of modern international relations

Work in group, work in pair, blitz questions, creative teaching method,problem solution essay,task-based learning method, silent way method, brainstorming, dialogue building, communicative method

1Managing information through critical thinking - Classifies and analyzes events occurring in international relations based on critical thinking and information processing (LO6).
2Information and expert service - Conducts expert and analytical work on forecasting the development paths of modern regional, integration, global, geopolitical, sociocultural, democratic, political, migration and diplomatic processes (LO7)
3Research activities - Uses knowledge of scientific theories, schools, directions and trends in the field of international relations (LO10).
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Games and Elements of a Gameпрезентация
2A First Look at The Applicationsпрезентация
3A First Look at The TheoryЖазбаша
4Practice SessionАуызша және жазбаша
5Strategic Form Games and Dominant StrategiesАуызша
6Dominanace SolvabilityАуызша және жазбаша
7Nash EquilibriumАуызша және жазбаша
8Dynamic Games of Complete InformationСұрақ-жауап
9Oligopolies: Sweezy, CournotАуызша және жазбаша
10Oligopolies: Stackelberg, BertrandАуызша және жазбаша
11Mixed Strategies, zero-sum games IЖазбаша
12Mixed Strategies, zero-sum games IIАуызша және жазбаша
13Mixed Strategies, zero-sum games Iпрезентация
14Mixed Strategies, zero-sum games IIБиблиография
15Repeated gamesЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Халықаралық қатынастар теориясы, оқу құралы, Иватова Л.М., Қайдарова Ә.С., Мухитденова Ә.Т., Алматы 2019
2Халықаралық қатынастар теориясының тарихы,Торбьорн Л.К., қазақ тіліне ауд. Сайбекова Н., Бурибаева Ж. - Алматы: Дәуір, 2017.
3Теория международных отношений: учебное пособие, Алматы 2016, Мажиденова Д.М., Шерьязданова К. Г
4Современные проблемы международных отношений. Монография. Алматы, 2020. Г.А.Мовкебаева
5Теория международных отношений, учебное пособие Черных И.А.Алматы, 2020
6Современные политические технологии: тенденции и тренды, коллективная монография. Жолдыбалина А., Урпекова А., 2016