International Relations
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
HKK 1266 Introduction to Theory of International Relations Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Turkish, Kazakh
Tazhibayev R.

The aim of the course is a consistent and comprehensive study of international relations. It introduces students to the major events that have shaped international politics throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Students gain knowledge about the state structure, international politics , the international system and the main theories of international relations . In the course of studying the course, students develop the skills to analyze international relations and world politics using the theoretical and methodological tools of international studies.

International politics


Work in group, work in pair, blitz questions, creative teaching method,  problem solution essay, task-based learning method, silent way method, brainstorming, dialogue building, communicative method

1LO1- learns to identify various stages in the history of international relations, current problems of relations between states;
2LO2 - learns to determine integration processes, regional studies processes, globalization processes, the level of development of states, the geopolitical situation;
3LO3 – analyzes the state and development of modern international relations, world politics, international order, identifies new trends in international relations, international and regional problems.
4LO 4- learns to identify the basic theories of international relations, structures influencing world events, actors, current problems;
5LO 5- Understands the stages of development of multilateral and integration processes;
6LO6- Understands the world political system of international relations and analyzes its development in historical, humanitarian, economic and legal conditions.
7LO 7 - analyzes the causes of events arising in international relations, based on theoretical knowledge;
8LO8 – scientifically analyzes events and problems arising in world politics, conflict situations.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1From international politics to world politics
2Globalization and World Politics
3Development of the modern state and international system
4History of international relations in 1900-1999
5From the end of the Cold War to the new world era
6Rising forces and the emerging world order
9Marxist theories of international relations
10Social constructivism
14International ethics
15War and world politics
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Теория международных отношений: учебное пособие, Алматы, 2020. Д.М.Мажиденова, К. Г. Шерьязданова
2Халықаралық қатынастар теориясы. Оқу құралы, Алматы 2020, Л.М.Иватова, Ә.С.Қайдарова, Ә.Т.Мухитденова
3Бейлис Дж., Смит С., Оуэнс П. Әлемдік саясаттың жаһандануы: Халықаралық қатынастарға кіріспе. – Алматы: «Ұлттық аударма бюросы» қоғамдық қоры, 2020 жыл. – 652 бет.
4Торбьорн Л., Халықаралық қатынастар теориясының тарихы, 2017