Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
Him 1299 Chemistry Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions
Berdi Dinara Kadirkhankyzy

The discipline forms a system of fundamental knowledge of chemistry for students to solve environmental problems. The course summarizes ideas about the state of the biosphere under chemical pollution, the most important groups of chemical compounds and elements that pose an environmental hazard, migration, transformation and accumulation in individual components of the environment. The discipline teaches the basic methods and techniques of research and practical work in the field of chemistry with the impact of chemicals on the environment.



Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, Case study, developmental learning method, poster protection, jigsaw method, creative learning methods, professional skills improvement method

1LO5- Applies basic physical and chemical methods in determining the impact of anthropogenic activities on the environment
2LO7 - Analyzes the influence of environmental factors on the state of living organisms
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
2The atom is a molecular doctrine. Basic stoichiometric laws.test
3Quantum mechanical theory of atomic structure.test
4The periodic system and periodic table of D. I. Mendeleev.test
5Molecular structure and chemical bonding.test
6Basic concepts of energy of chemical processes.test
7Chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium.Жазбаша
8Redox reactions.Ауызша
9Complex compounds.Сұрақ-жауап
10Water. Solutions.презентация
11Solutions of electrolytes.Ауызша
12Dispersed systems.test
13General properties of metals.Ауызша
14Corrosion and protection of metals.презентация
15General properties of non-metals.test
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11.Jalpy himia. GEOTAR – Media. 2014. V. A. Popkov , S. A. Puzakov, S. N. Dılmağambetov
22.Obşaia himia, 2015. Uchebnoe posobie.T1. Glinka N.L., Babkina S.S.
33. Himia negızderı: Oqu - anyqtamalyqqūraly. 2019. N. Asanov, N. Äbeu
44.Neorganicheskaia himia: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. 2016. Ponomarenko O.İ., Beisembaeva L.K., Lameko M.A.J.
55.Şolaqtegı Ä.Jalpy himiadan esepter şyğaru ülgılerı jäne esepter jinağy: Oqu qūraly., -Almaty: Evero, 2016
66. Sahy, M., Şolaqtegı Ä. Jalpy jäne beiorganikalyq himia pänınıñ zerthanalyq jūmystary: Oqu qūraly. . Almaty, 2015. WEB: 1. 2.