International Law
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
HA 4271 International arbitration Үшінші курс 6 180 15 15 -
Course Descriptions
A. K. Zhadigerova

The purpose of discipline is to resolve disputes by diplomatic means that are most effective and fair for the party. An international arbitration tribunal specially trained to deal with a specific dispute, or a permanent arbitrator or arbitrator dealing with an individual dispute. International arbitration is a system of non-state institutions for resolving disputes between participants in civil law relations.



Group work, narration, exchange of views, discussion, problem methods. For students with disabilities, together with structural divisions, forms of specialized adaptation disciplines (modules, methods of implementation

1understands the concept of Arbitration, analysis of types and models;
2learns to study the historical prerequisites for the development and formation of Arbitration.;
3learn to consider Modern International Legal Regulation of Arbitration;
4A detailed study of the competence of Arbitration, analyzes the types and features of Arbitration..
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The concept, types and sources of legal regulation of international arbitration.Ауызша және жазбаша
2Essence, models and types of ArbitrationАуызша және жазбаша
3Formation of the judicial CorpsАуызша және жазбаша
4Bodies and officials assisting in the exercise of judicial powerАуызша және жазбаша
5Judicial systems of the states of Central and South-Eastern Europe.Ауызша және жазбаша
6Specialized courtsАуызша және жазбаша
7Judicial system of HungaryАуызша және жазбаша
8Romanian judicial system.Ауызша және жазбаша
9Judicial system of BulgariaАуызша және жазбаша
10Judicial system of the Czech RepublicАуызша және жазбаша
11Judicial system of SlovakiaАуызша және жазбаша
12UK judicial system.Ауызша және жазбаша
13US judicial systemАуызша және жазбаша
14German judicial systemАуызша және жазбаша
15Judicial system of FranceАуызша және жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Uluslararası Özel Hukuk. Ders kitabı. Almatı, 2021. Nizanbekova L.
2Uluslararası hukuk. 8. baskı. Cilt 1. / Başkan ed. çağrı.: M. M. Tajin. ; Çeviri.: Sarsembayev DM - Almatı: Ulusal Çeviri Bürosu, 2019
3Yabancı devletlerin yargı sistemleri.Ders kitabı.Almatı,2021.-358 s.
4Kazakistan Cumhuriyeti'nin dış politikası. Ders kitabı.Almatı, 2017.: Makasheva K. N., Gubaydullina M. S.
5Uluslararası iş hukuku ve yasama ortamı: işlemsel bir bakış açısından araştırma. Ders kitabı.Almatı, 2019.Ed. Tazhin MM Oud-r: Abishova K. M., Zholdasbayeva G. S., Iskako.I.
6Kazakistan Cumhuriyeti'nin yasal ve politik öğretilerinin tarihi. Ders kitabı. Almatı,2020. Useinova G.R., Useinova K.R.