Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
FTT7302 Selected Sections of Physics Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Turmambekov T

Formation of practical skills for solving physical problems in obtaining highly professional specialized knowledge that allows you to work successfully in your chosen field of activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad; analysis of modern physical knowledge; identification of problems of practical application of basic theoretical knowledge in selected sections of physics; synthesis of current problems of modern physics; mastering modern experimental approaches to the study of physical phenomena and patterns; development of the content of training through new knowledge.



narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods

1Students learn by applying the knowledge they have received in the subject in theory and doctoral dissertation works
2Describes the history and stages of development of modern physics
3Master the skills of planning, carrying out scientific research, working with scientific and methodological literature and publishing them
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Space and time 1. Physical vacuum 2. Mirror reflection, space-time 3. Measurement of space and time 4. Space and time and matter
2Laws of conservation 1. Law of conservation of momentum 2. Law of conservation of momentum. 3. Law of conservation of energy 4. Field
3Relativism and classical mechanics 1. The principle of relativity in classical mechanics 2. Invariance of the law of conservation of momentum 3. Invariance of Newton's laws
4Relativistic mechanics or 1.Mass and momentum 2.Definition of force 3.Relativistic kinetic energy 4.Total energy
5Formation of a pair 1. Interaction of radiation with matter 2. Formation of a pair 3. Annihilation pair 4. Absorption of a photon.
6Wave nature of a particle 1. De Broglie wave 2. Experimental confirmation of De Broglie theory 3. Wave packet 4. Uncertainty principle
7Schrödinger equations I 1. Absolute black body 2. Wave function 3. Schrödinger equations 4. Schrödinger equations in stationary state
8Schrödinger equations II 1. Hamiltonian 2. Operators 3. Potential well
9Some problems of Schrödinger equations 1. Classical harmonic oscillator 2. Harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics 3. Tunnel effect
10Various mechanical models 1. Mechanical models 2. Classical mechanics 3. Relativistic mechanics 4. Quantum mechanics
11Quantum number I. Magnetic field 1. Orbital quantum number 2. Magnetic quantum number 3. Magnetic moment of hydrogen atom
12Quantum number II. Zeeman effect 1. Atoms in an external magnetic field 2. Normal Zeeman effect 3. Total number of states
13Electron spin 1. Electron self-momentum 2. Spin 3. Sterna-Gerlach experiment 4. Spin-orbital interaction energy
14Atomic and molecular spectra 1. Total pulse moment 2. Atomic spectra 3. Molecular spectra 4. Lasers
15Elementary particle detectors 1. Properties of elementary particles 2. Nuclear emulsions 3. Electronic recording devices
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Абдула, Ж., Аязбаев, Т. Физика курсының лекциялары. - Алматы: 2013. – 276 б.
22. Бижігітов, Т. Статистикалық физика. - Алматы: Ассоциация вузов РК, 2011. - 314б.
33. В.А. Жексембекова, Т.Т. Данияров. Физика : Учебник / - Павлодар: Кереку, 2009. - 370c
44. В. Акоста, К.Кован, Основы современной физики: Учебник./-М.: Просвещение, 2015 г. - 490c.
55. Ахметов А.Қ. Кванттық механикаға кіріспе. - Алматы: КГУТИ им. Ш.Есенова, 2003. - 229б.
6Ахметов, А. Статистикалық физика және термодинамика. - Астана, 2008. - 288б.