Physics Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
FOB 1264 Kinetic Theory of Gases and Fundamentals of Thermodynamics. Бірінші курс 5 150 1 1 1
Course Descriptions
Bekbayev S

The discipline forms students' understanding of the state of the system and the processes taking place in it, based on data obtained from experiments on the movement of molecules and the interaction of molecules, on the internal structure of matter. Reveals the essence of the physical mechanism of the phenomenon and considers the change of thermodynamic parameters occurring in real processes. Develops the ability to use the acquired knowledge to conduct experiments and solve problems in the section kinetic theory of gases and thermodynamics.

Physics of direct and alternating currents

Mechanics and AST

narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods, reporting.

1Knows the laws of molecular physics, as well as the laws of change of secondary parameters that cause a change in some physical parameters in a certain situation;
2Can use molecular physics calculations in professional activities;
3Revealing the essence of the physical mechanism of the phenomenon, analyzing the change in thermodynamic parameters occurring in real processes, and using statistical methods;
4Knows how to use a computer and compile conclusions of statistical processing of experimental results in the form of a reliable interval;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Molecular-kinetic model of material bodies.Ауызша
2Basic principles of molecular kinetic theory of gasesЖазбаша
3Equation of state of an ideal gas.test
4Statistical mean. FluctuationЖазбаша
5Distribution of gas molecules depending on their speed.Ауызша
6The first principle of thermodynamicsАуызша және жазбаша
7Application of the first principle of thermodynamics to isoprocesses.Сұрақ-жауап
8Second principle of thermodynamicsСұрақ-жауап
9Transfer processesпрезентация
10Deviation of gas properties from the ideal gas model.test
11Joule-Thomson effect and its physical meaningАуызша
12Features of the liquid stateЖазбаша
13Crystalline and amorphous states of matter.Ауызша және жазбаша
14Mechanical and thermal properties of solid bodiesСұрақ-жауап
15Phase transformations of the first and second kindtest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Сарыбаева Ә. Х., Батырбекова А.Ж., Тұрмамбеков Т.А.Молекулалық физика курсынан зертханалық жұмыстар. Шымкент:Нұрлы бейне, 2018. -122 б
2Термодинамика жәнестатистикалық механика. Оқулық -2016. Р. Харди, К. Бинек 3. Ә.Х. Сарыбаева . Молекулалық физика және термодинамика негіздері. Оқулық. -2014.-144 б.
3А. А. Комаров.Термодинамика и статистическая физика: Руководство к решению задач Ч.1., 2013. – 186 с.
4Н.Ильясов.Молекулалықфизика есептерініңжинағы. 2012. -156 б.
5И.Поярков, И.Корзун, М.Исатаев, О.Федеренко.Общий физический практикум. 2012. – 198 с.
6Қоразов, Т.А.Молекулалық физика және термодинамика негіздері 2014.
7.Е.Иванов, С.А,Иванов.Механика. Молекулярная физика и термодинамика: Учебник. 2012