Physics Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
FOA 3267 Methods of Teaching Physics Үшінші курс 5 150 1 1 1
Course Descriptions
Shektibayev N

The discipline studies general and particular problems of the theory and methodology of teaching a physics course in secondary school and considers approaches to conducting scientific and pedagogical research using innovative technologies.He has the skills of organizing educational work in physics, analyzing the content of physics sections in secondary schools, professional planning (after-school planning), criteria assessment, drawing up open and closed assignments

Computer methods of physics

Mechanics and AST

1. problematic methods
2. brainstorming
3. Develop a teaching method

11. Knows about the subject, content and research methods, development history of physics teaching theory and methodology;
22. Understands the structure and content of the physics course in secondary and higher education institutions, the scientific and psychological - pedagogical bases, their interrelationship in improving the professional level;
33. Can work with school curriculum, plans, provision of standard education, teaching methodology and tools;
44. Can perform interdisciplinary connections of physics, conducting physical experiments, using technical teaching tools and computer
55. Can organize classes on improving the professional level in general secondary education and vocational education schools;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Fundamentals of kinematics. Mechanical movement. Vectors and operations on them.Ауызша
2Rectilinear balanced motion. Acceleration.Жазбаша
3Free fall of bodies. Acceleration of free fall.Ауызша
4Linear and angular velocities.Жазбаша
5Fundamentals of dynamics.Ауызша және жазбаша
6Forces in mechanics.Сұрақ-жауап
7Newton's third law.презентация
8Body weight, weightlessness. Movement of bodies under the influence of gravity.Ауызша
9Laws of conservation. Body momentum and force momentum. Law of conservation of momentum.Жазбаша
10Mechanical work and energy.Ауызша
11Oscillations and waves. Oscillating motion.Жазбаша
12Oscillations of mathematical and spring pendulums.Сұрақ-жауап
13Free electromagnetic oscillations.презентация
14Sound, characteristics of sound, acoustic resonance, method of teaching the topics of echoАуызша және жазбаша
15Electromagnetic waves.Сұрақ-жауап
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Физиканы оқыту теориясы мен әдістемесі. Оқу құралы [Текст] / - Түркістан : Тұран, 2021. Ә. Х. Сарыбаева
22. Мектеп физика курсындағы компьютерлік модельдеу және эксперимент. Оқулық. - 2018. Сарыбаева Ә.Х., Раманкулов Ш.Ж.
33. Teaching methodology of physics: Textbook. -2016. K.N. Jumadillayev, Zh .K . Sydykova
44. Жалпы физика курсы бойынша есеп шығару үлгілері мен есептер жинағы: Оқу-әдістемелік құралы. /. - Алматы : Қазақ ун-ті, 2016. - 162 с. Құраст.: К.А. Бошкаев, Н. Қойшыбаев, Ж.А. Калымова, А.С. Таукенова
55. Современные технологии в обучении физике : учебно-методическое пособие, 2018, Е.А. Румбешта