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Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
FİL 2101 Philosophy Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
PhD M.Issayev

Philosophy is a form of social consciousness, the doctrine of the general principles of existence and knowledge, of man’s relationship to the world; the science of the universal laws of development of nature, society and thinking. Like any science, it has its own object and subject of research, its own philosophical categories, its own main question, its own structure, functions and research methods.



Group work, work in pairs, learning and study, blitz-questions, critical thinking, creative teaching methods, group project work method, mini-research method

1Based on the historical development of philosophy, ontology and metaphysics description of the main content.
2Explain the peculiarities of the philosophical study of the real world.
3Philosophical worldview of the natural and social world substantiation as a result of research and study.
4Classification of scientific and philosophical methods of studying the world.
5Features of mythological, religious and scientific worldview comment on the content.
6The meaning and role of the basic worldviews of man as the values of personal and social existence in the modern world justification.
7Media texts, socio-cultural and personal circumstances to make and justify ethical decisions on philosophical aspects analysis.
8In relation to current issues of modern global society position formation and competent argumentation.
9To determine the philosophical content of issues in the professional field conduct research that is relevant and present its results for discussion.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The emergence and development of philosophy
2The essence and methods of philosophy
3Consciousness, soul and language
4Ontology and metaphysics
5Cognition and creativity
6Education, Science, Engineering and Technology
7Human philosophy. Life and death. Meaning of life
8Ethics. Philosophy of values
9Society and culture
10Philosophy of freedom
11Philosophy of art
12Philosophy of politics
13Philosophy of religion
14Philosophy of history
15'Mangilik El' and 'Rukhani Zhagyru' - the philosophy of the new Kazakhstan
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Entony K. New history of Western philosophy. – Almaty. -2018. 400 p.
2Jonston D. A brief history of philosophy. From Socratus to Derrida. – Astana. -2018. -2016 p.
3Xess R. 25 selected books on philosophy. – Astana. – 2018. 360 p.